25- Valentine's dinner Part 2

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Abbey's POV: I took apart my sister to talk with her. We left the dining-room and went to the living-room.

Richelle: What do you want, sister?

Me: Some explanations! About your romance!

Richelle: What?

Me: I know that you're in couple with Noah and that the parents don't know! How could you bring him and tell them that's your friend?

Richelle: Abbey! Calm down! We're not in couple!

Me: Sister, you are lying!

Richelle: No! It's the truth!

Me: I saw your hands touch!

Richelle: It was an accident! It would have not happened if you helped me set the table!

Me: Gosh! Don't change the subject! We're talking about your boyfriend!

Richelle: He's not my boyfriend!

Me: I saw more than this "hand accident"

Richelle: What do you mean?

Me: Haha! I saw you lunching with him!

Richelle: Yeah, and? I often lunch with you but clearly, I'm not in couple with you!

Me: You were closer and he had his arm around you! Then I saw that this restaurant does a special offer: 25% discount and a free smoothie. I saw that you got 1 smoothie with a heart. That means that you got a special offer, the offer for COUPLES!!!! Is it enough Richelle, to prove that you're in couple with him!?

Richelle: ... it was... we were pretending to be in couple to have a 25% discount!

Me: You can keep your excuses for the parents but for me, there's only one single thing that means: you did it!

Richelle: But... Abbey!

Me: What?

Richelle: I know exactly my feelings! For everyone! And I'm not in couple with Noah! And don't tell to the parents something that it's clearly wrong!

Me: All right! But let me tell you a secret: it's obvious that he likes you!

Richelle: And how can you be so sure?

Me: Because he's listening to us secretly! He's just behind the door!

Richelle's POV: I turned over and saw a silhouette that ran away! I can't believe it! It was Noah! My sister is ...right, he might like me! Noah went to the dining room and when I arrived there he was setting the table. I wanted to talk to him but all my family arrived at dinner. So, my parents, my sister, Noah and I had dinner. My parents talked a lot with Noah. When they asked him if he had a girlfriend, he said no and my sister looked at me. Another awkward moment.

Noah's POV: I really like spending time with Richelle's family, there are like my second family! After the dinner Richelle and I went to the living -room to watch TV, we were seated on the same sofa. Richelle was tired, she was so cute, her eyes were starting to sleep and had less make-up, I love watching her naturally, I really think that she doesn't have to wear make-up, but I love when he had. I love watching her, that's it! I sat closer to her to speak with her

Me: Briar, you're tired?

Richelle: Why did you call me Briar?

Me: Don't know, I love it!

Richelle: Right, Milo!

Me: I really loved being with your family! I realized how much I missed our moments!

Richelle: So we should do it often, my lov... hum... Milo!

Me: Yes, we should do it often Queen B!

Richelle: Aw... I love this nickname!

Me: I know!

Richelle was tired and she lay down on the couch and just next to me, she was so closer! I put my arm around her and I felt that she enjoyed it! Because I do!

Richelle's POV: I just don't care about my fears and what Abbey would say if she found us in this position! I'm too tired to care about anything! I just wanna be laid on my crush! And I felt he enjoyed it! He put his arm around me; it was like I was wrapped into a fuzzy and warm blanket! Suddenly we looked into our eyes, wow I've never been so close to him, his eyes are quite tired but so beautiful! We looked at each other since getting even closer. I guess he wanted to kiss me because I do!


Noah and I moved away from each other, my mom came

Tamara: Ah! You're here! Wow, you two are as red as a tomato!

Me: Oh, really? That's because... we were watching TV, lying on the couch, so we were hot... err... the temperature! Why... why did you call us?

Tamara: It's getting a little bit late, so...

Noah: Yeah I should go!

Tamara: It was a pleasure spending time with you; you're welcome here anytime you want. Please, Richelle get up and escort your friend to the door!

Richelle's POV: But mom he's not my friend!!! Hahaha! He is my crush! We got up and went to the door.

Me: Thanks for everything Noah! Today was amazing! Like the other day that I spent with you!

Noah: Thanks to you! Otherwise, we couldn't have lunch! And thanks for dinner! I really enjoyed all this day spent with you!

Me: Yeah me too!

"Common Richelle!" said Noah before giving me a big hug. It was long because no one wanted to let go of us!

Noah: so, see you tomorrow, same place, and the same time!

Me: Yeah! See you! Bye!

"Good night my queen" said Noah placing a soft kiss on my forehead. He left. I closed the door. I miss him

That  was  Part 25 Valentine's dinner Part (1020 words)Thanks to Hann568a supporting me and the people who read the story! Those latest parts are intense about Bryles and this is not going to stop! Until

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That  was  Part 25 Valentine's dinner Part (1020 words)
Thanks to Hann568a supporting me and the people who read the story! Those latest parts are intense about Bryles and this is not going to stop! Until.... "the secret challenge" you will know soon what I am talking about!😉
But now keep reading and enjoying all the parts because I do it with all my heart! (and imagination!)
And may the POWER OF DREAMING be with you!✊
What do you think about that sentence?🔝 I've just imagined!!😂😂😂

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