30- I had no idea!

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Hello! I'm revealing to you the part who could be the most important of the story!

Richelle's POV: I was still sitting off the stairs when Noah's car arrived; he parked it in front of the stairs and get off the car. I get up and took my bag to join him but he told me to stop, to stay on top of the stairs.

Then I had no idea of what happened, I'll never guess that! So, Noah opened the rear door and from there, he took a big and beautiful red flower! Oh my gosh! This rose is the most gorgeous flower that I've ever seen! It has the same size as me! It was so flabbergasted that I make my bag fall on the stairs! I cannot believe it! Noah... bought me that flower! For me! Can this be real?! Noah! My crush!

Noah joined me at the top of the stairs and gave me the flower! It was so... indescribable! I cannot explain my feeling! It was unbelievable! I've never been so close to him! I took the flower and smelled it! It smells so good! And... because he put it in his car so it smells also like Noah! And he smells so good! You cannot understand! The crushes always smells good! I definitely agree!😉😏

I was maybe 5 minutes holding (hugging) the flower smelling it and looking at Noah's eyes! I could be lost into his eyes! He was also staring at me! No one said anything; it was just him and I! And it was enough!

Me: Noah...

Noah: Richelle...

Me: Noah... this rose...I love it! So that's why you left the rehearsal!

Noah: That's it!

Me: This rose is beautiful! And almost taller than me!

Noah: Hahaha! I told to the florist to find is the most beautiful flower! And the biggest! Because I wanted that your gift can represent you the best! All your beauty!

Me: Noah! Myles! You're so cute!

Noah: Thanks Queen B! You know, the roses can pick you, can be rude! Like you! But at their top they are amazing! And when you saw them you're just open-mouthed and in love! You're a rose! Gorgeous that you just want to be with! You're my beauty Briar!

Me: And you're my beast! I'm so moved! I have no words! Just thanks!

Noah: You're welcome!

Me: Myles, why... why this gift?

There was a little break, he looked at the floor and then he took me the rose and put it on the stairs. He took my hands and looked into my eyes

Noah: That's such a great question! I've been waiting for months for that. Briar, Richelle, or anything else, I'm a stupid boy!

Me: Myles, you're not a boy anymore!

Noah: Ok I'm a stupid man!

Me: And why?

Noah: Because I've known you for years and never noticed who amazing you are! Not only like a dancer but also like a person. I know that our relationship had one's ups and downs but I just want to be with you! You were my best friend!

Me: Were? And now?

Noah: Richelle, you're my crush! I love you! I want to be your boyfriend!

Oh... my... Gosh! I can't believe it! Noah loves me! I take off my hands of him and put them on my face! Oh my gosh! Richelle! Noah likes you!

Noah: What? Richelle! Say something! Please!

Me: Noah! I love you!

Noah take me for a big hug, we were so close that we could whisper to each other ear

Me: Noah! You're my world! You mean so much for me and I can't believe that my childhood dream come true!

Noah: Your childhood dream? For how long?

Me: I started loving you when you started to be with Abbie. I was hurt and angry, that's why I rather moved away from your life and do whatever it takes to forget you.

Noah: I'm sorry Richelle

Me: But those last months we get close again and my feelings for you appeared again, and stronger! I think I've always loved you, Noah!

Noah: I love you Richelle! But I'm so stupid!

Me: Yes you are! But I'll always love you!

Noah put his hands on my waist and I put mine of his cheek before placing around his neck, stroking him. And then he puts on my lips a soft kiss! We kissed! It was my first kiss! I felt so many things in my heart! Who was beating so fast! It was a soft first kiss! And when it ends, I whispered "Thanks boyfriend" and I kissed him back, I already miss his lips! I've received my first kiss and gave my first kiss! What a surprise! I had no idea!

 And then he puts on my lips a soft kiss! We kissed! It was my first kiss! I felt so many things in my heart! Who was beating so fast! It was a soft first kiss! And when it ends, I whispered "Thanks boyfriend" and I kissed him back, I already miss...

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