31- Nochelle

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Noah's POV: My plan has succeeded! I'm so happy! 😍😍Richelle is now my girlfriend! Let me tell you a secret: Richelle is the best kisser! Hahaha! It's the first time that in a single kiss, so many things happened inside my body. 😍Richelle is gorgeous and we are just 15 minutes after our first kiss, we went to the car to go to a quiet place, to go for a walk, in the park. Richelle and I are walking holding hands.

Me: Richelle! I love you!

Richelle: I love you more!

Me: I love you more!

Richelle: But I love you for a longer time!

Me: Ok you're right Briar!

Richelle: Myles! I love our nicknames! OH, I forgot! My parents should be waiting for me! It's late now!

Me: Don't worry! I talked to them!

Richelle: What?? What did you say?

Me: Ah! Nothing special! I said that I wanted to be with their daughter, that I love her as I've never loved anyone else, that being part of your family will be a pleasure. That they've got the most gorgeous, funny, smiling and the best dancer in their house. That I'll take care of you all my life!

Richelle: And they agreed?

Me: OF course! Especially when I told them that if our relationship continues I'll give you all my future inheritance!

Richelle: WHAT??? Noah! Stop kidding!

Me: Hey! I love kidding, you will have to get used to!

Richelle: Yeah... the only negative point about our couple!

Me: Hey!

Richelle: Just kidding! You'll have to get used to it!

Me: My gosh! That was my sentence! Is it not enough for you to have stolen my heart now you've stolen my sentence! Ok, so I have to admit that the sentence I've expected you to answer my joke is "I know you're the best boyfriend ever! I love you! Milo! Smack!

Richelle: Hahaha! Ok, I love you! But keep telling me how your discussion with my family was! When did you talk to them?

Me: This morning at 9'00! I came to your house! Like every morning!

Richelle: Ah I get it! That's why this morning my mom get up me at 8'30 because "I need to do jogging" I was so good on my bed! But she kicked me off the house! For you! Now I know what her preferences are! Thanks, mom! And she used the argument of "you're fat, go run!"

Me: Oh! You're not fat my baby!

Richelle: Again! You say I'm plump!

Me: No way! You said it yourself! But I love you!

We hugged

Richelle: Myles, what was my sister's reaction?

Me: She gave me a look like "Ah ah ah! I know it"

Richelle: Oh! That's because she guesses that there was something between us! And... she saw us hugging at our St Valentine's lunch!

Me: Oh gosh! That moment! I have to confess to you something, but it's a secret! I loved playing your boyfriend!

Richelle: Me too! I loved it and I love it now!

Me: And I will always love it!

We kissed

Richelle: Myles, did my parents tell you a limit time to drive me back?

Me: I have to drop you off at midnight

Richelle: Doesn't mean that wanna go home

Me: I'm waiting until it's right

Richelle: I wanna stay longer than I oughta be

Me: With The one you like

Authors' note: Hahaha! That was so funny and romantic! I love talking using lyrics!

That was the penultimate part of book 1 of the story! I'm so glad to have finished this first book! I'm at 4,3 K and really want to have 5K! But I'm already super super happy!

I think I'm gonna publish the last part next Wednesday, what do you think?

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