26- Another accident?

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Hey! This is Part 26! It has been a while! But that's because this week I've got a lot of exams, but tomorrow is the week-end and we are free!!!!! Thanks so much for reading the story! I love you guys! We have reached the #3 in #THENEXTSTEP. Let's begin: 

The day after the latest part, in other words, February 15th, Richelle and Noah were rehearsing on the Opera's stage. They were working on a flip, they were struggling

Richelle: Argh... why can't I do it? Let's do it again! The last!

Noah: Oh no! It's the 10th time that you say this! I have to rest!

Five minutes after

Richelle: Get up Noah! Let's do it!

They tried again the flip but it was worse

Noah: Richelle! You have to calm down! Breathe! Do you feel better? Let's do it again!

Noah: Richelle! You have to calm down! Breathe! Do you feel better? Let's do it again!

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This time their lift succeeded! But at the reception, Richelle almost fell. Hopefully, Noah caught her. Their faces were AGAIN closer that they could hear their own breaths.

Noah: RICHELLE!! Are you ok?!

Richelle: Yeah... thank you so much, Noah!

Noah got closer to her and their lips were almost touching

Richelle: No! I can't do that, I have... to get a breath of fresh air!

Richelle's POV: I ran as fast as I can to the Opera's entry

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Richelle's POV: I ran as fast as I can to the Opera's entry. I don't know what happened. But now I know why I couldn't do the flip. It's the same reason that I didn't kiss Noah, even if I wanted it, it's like my dream, my wish, but I can't do it because I'm too scared. I don't know how to act when I'm in front of Noah when the music starts and he puts his hands on my body to dance. I try to be normal and professional but my feelings for him are so strong that when I see him when he touches me, I just want to kiss him, it's uncontrollable, but I tried to control it, so that's why I'm acting weird.

At lunchtime, I was with Lola and Amy. Now that I'm going to be on tour and that Amy is a "Nochelle-shipper" we have spent a lot of time together and knew each other better; she's like my "on tour BFF" coz my Best Friend Forever is Lola! I know I can trust them and that they will give good advice.

Me: Girls, I was rehearsing with Noah when we almost kissed

Lola and Amy: WHAT???!!!!

Lola and Amy: WHAT???!!!!

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Amy: And what happened?

Me: I ran away, like a coward!

Lola: No you aren't Richelle!

Me: I wanted to ... "do that" but I was too scared!

Amy: Wait... it happened this morning?

Me: Yes...

Amy: Oh no!

Me: What...

Amy: Miss Kate said that today's rehearsals were filmed from the control room by Jess and all the Opera's staff in order to make a video of the Behind the Scenes and put it on the Internet.

Me: Amy! How? What? What am I going to do!

Lola: You have to delete the video!

Amy: You have out talk to Jess!

Me: Yeah, you're right! See you!

I ran as fast as I can (again) to go to the control room, hoping that Jess was because it was lunchtime. I arrived there and opened the door before knocking. Jess was eating some noodles and she was laid on the seats

Jess: Richelle! Oh! Sorry! I was a little bit distracted! Don't tell Miss Kate, please! I want to be with you on the tour!

Me: Don't have to worry about it!

Jess: Thanks Richelle! You're the best!

Me: Thanks! Jess, can I ask you a favor?

Jess: Yes of course!

Me: I would like to see the video of today's rehearsals

Jess: And why?

Me: Because I want to delete one part of my rehearsal with Noah...

Jess: The kiss, right?

Me: What? Did you saw it? No! We haven't kissed! Almost! It was an accident! Please, Jess, find it and delete it!

Jess: I don't know if I' m allowed to do that

Me: I know that it's a little bit risky but please Jess!

Jess: ...

Me: If someone knows it, I'll say that's my entire fault! That I told you to do that, I'm guilty!

Jess: Ok, I'll do it!

I thanked Jess hugging her

Me: Thanks so so much, Jess!

Jess: No problem! Richelle, can I ask you a question?

Me: Yes of course!

Jess: I think there's something between you and Noah, more than a friendship, is it right?

Me: Yes! No...hum...yeah! But no! It's a little bit complicated! Oh, have you heard it? Someone is calling me! I have to go! See you, Jess! And thank you so much! You're the best! Love!

Jess: You too! See you!

And I ran as fast as I can from the control room leaving Jess, but that wasn't a novelty!

END OF PART 26! See you soon and Make the Power Of Dreaming be with you!🌸

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