32- Bryles

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Noah's POV: Richelle and I walked a little bit (always holding hands) when Richelle felt... different, she was quiet, too quiet

Me: Hey Rich, everything's ok?

Richelle: ... yeah!

Me: What are you thinking about?

We stopped walking and we were face to face

Richelle: Myles! I feel strange! Something is not normal with me!

Me: What? Do you need anything? Water? Food?

Richelle: No! It's not that! I just feel strange because a lot of things happened today, with so many feelings! Myles, today I woke up feeling sad and nostalgic because it was the last day and I won't see you for a long time and then after jogging and rehearsals I felt very tired and 1 hour before, you came, gave me that beautiful rose and told me that you love me! My crush! My love! My world! I love you, Milo! I was so happy! My dream came true!

Me: And now?

Richelle: Noah, I'm scared!

Me: Scared? Why?

Richelle: Because I'm Richelle! Richelle is only focused on dance and has no feelings... well, that was the past. That's because I'm scared! Noah! This is not me! I love you but I'm afraid of everything!

My girlfriend was crying, the only thing I could do was and is to protect her, I gave her a soft hug

Me: Shh... calm down Bri... don't cry

Richelle: Don't leave me

Me: Never, I'm not letting you down until you're right. I know that everything is new for you but don't be afraid inside my arms, I'll always be there for you

Richelle's POV: Noah is so cute! I love him so much, he knows exactly what I need and that's what I love the best of him. A few minutes after, we still walking, he had his arm around me.

Noah: Briar, I know you're scared and that everything is new for you that you, Richelle have changed a lot those last months but it's for the best, listen, I'm here and we're going to do it together!

Me: Thanks! So Nochelle is real!?

Noah: Nochelle? Noah + Richelle? No!

Me: WHAT???

Noah: Wait Bri, don't be like that! I don't really like the name Nochelle, because is the fans and our friends that created, not us, and you said that you were scared

Me: Don't need to repeat it again and again!

Noah: Yeah! Well, as I said, I think I've found a way for Richelle to being less afraid about our relationship: so, during our relationship, when we will be together, we are going to call us Briar and Myles!

Me: OMG! My boyfriend is so intelligent! Myles, I love your idea! Richelle can be anything you want but Briar is just Myles' girlfriend!

Noah: The most beautiful girl in this world! And the best girlfriend! And thanks! Briar is going to help Richelle to live outside her shell by being with me, Myles!

Me: I love you, Myles!

We kissed, it was our longer kiss! I really think that nothing can happen if we are together to go through! We are Briar and Myles!

Me: Myles, do you think that we have to create a new name for our ship?

Noah: Yes! Briar and Myles

Me: Bryles!

Noah: Love it!

We kissed (again) I feel like I'm becoming an expert!

Noah: Hey Briar! You will have to adapt to all the changes that are coming! And quickly!

Me: What are those changes?

Noah: The Studio, our couple, and the Tour!

Me: You're right! This is The Next Step Bryles Show The World!


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