29- She has no idea!

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Richelle's POV: Today, February 27th, it's the last day of the rehearsals at the Opera. Everything is already prepared so Miss Kate called us to go to the venue only in the afternoon, for the dress repetition. That means that today Noah hasn't to drive me to the Opera, neither today nor all the other days. Hopefully, he's gonna drive me tonight, it will be our last journey, a "Nochelle journey" like Amy says! I'm going to miss those moments so much. I love when Noah waits for me in his beautiful car, I feel special, like a princess! Noah would be my charming prince! One day he had breakfast with me because I was late! OMG! I already miss it! I would like to spend all my life with him! I don't want that those moments be part of my past! I want them to be my present!

Right here I'm on the stage with the girls, we are rehearsing the girls' dance and Noah came to talk with Miss Kate to ask her if he could leave the rehearsal at 5'45pm, 15 minutes before the end. She agreed.

Me: Noah, are you going to drive me back?

Noah: Yeah! Don't worry! I'll not be far away! Text me!

Me: Ok...

This is a little bit weird, well, don't matter it should be personal insignificant stuff! Let's focus on my dance!

At 6 pm:

I've just finished this last day of rehearsal, the last 15 minutes without Noah, the only one who I wanna be. From now until March 30th, the premiere of the Tour in Canada, we have one month to relax and to prepare our baggage! This is so exciting! And then I'll spend all the entire month with... don't need to say his name! I think you already know! Right?

Noah's POV: Oh! Richelle texted me, the rehearsal was finished. I texted her back to told her to stay on the stairs of the Opera, the stairs who are directed on the road, where I'll park my car and... no no no! I'm not going to spoil you my surprise! This is too important to let you know! You're not going to read my thoughts! Not this time! But, as a gentleman full of kindness and humility I'm gonna let you a clue, a sentence. She has no idea! So guess who is "she" and what's the "idea"! Now, I'm driving back to Opera! But first, have a look at the back of the car! Gosh! This is so awesome! But she, and you have no idea!

Richelle's POV: Noah told me that he'll pick up me at the stairs so I sat there, put my bag on the stair and catch up my phone.

The stairs of the entry of the Opera remind me of those of Opera Garnier in Paris, I know those French stairs aren't outdoors like mine, but it has all these magic and beauty!

The stairs of the entry of the Opera remind me of those of Opera Garnier in Paris, I know those French stairs aren't outdoors like mine, but it has all these magic and beauty!

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5 minutes after

I was still sitting off the stairs when Noah's car arrived; he parked it in front of the stairs and get off the car. I get up and took my bag to join him but he told me to stop, to stay on top of the stairs.

Then I had no idea of what happened, I'll never guess that!

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