12-Surprise Richelle!

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Richelle's POV: It was 2'30, I entered in Studio 1 and I saw Noah, who was looking at his phone, thoughtful.

Me: Hi!

Noah: Ah! Hi Richelle! You frighten me!

Me: Your performance with the band was amazing!

Noah: Thanks!

Me: So, why do you want to see me?

Noah: Because I promised you a freestyle!

ME: OH yes! I've forgotten!

"So let's start," said Noah, as he was texting on his phone, I don't know with who is Noah talking, but this person makes him smile

Noah: Oh my gosh!

Me: What happens?

"Nothing" said Noah putting his phone on the speaker

Noah: Where's the cable? Oh! In the office! Wait a minute!

Noah went to the office and received another text message, who is it? I took the phone, which was locked and read the latest messages:

- Henry: She is so lucky!

-James: She's gonna love the surprise! Noah, don't mess up with her! Be careful this time!

What? They are talking with Noah about a girl, is he dating? No, it's impossible, he will tell me, we know each other so well, I think... I can't believe, Noah is preparing a surprise for a girl, and he's talking about that with the guys while he's with me, that means that SHE is more important than me! I want so badly to unlock his phone, what is his password? I have to try, mmh... his birth date maybe, 2707? Yes! It's right! Wow, he's not very original, well, so Snapchat, last convers...

Noah: Richelle! I found the cable!

Me: Noah! I was looking at the hole... to put... the cable!

I gave him back his phone, he read his messages and smiled, the same smile that he had while he was with Abbie, then Amanda and then Jacquie, I'm upset, I want to leave!

Noah: Richelle! Where are you going? Stay here! Please! Let's dance! That's all you need!

Actually, I don't need this... dude. But well, the song started and we started to dance, and then, I wasn't angry anymore, dancing with um was the best moment of my life, well, that's because I love to dance, not him. As we finished the freestyle, he gave me a blindfold.

Noah: Put it on your eyes!

Me: Why?

Noah: Trust me Richelle, come on! Thanks to that, and thanks to ME, your dance will be less controlled, that's what you want! Because you're gonna walk without watching!

Me: But I'm gonna shock to something! A door!

Noah: No way! Because your dance partner is here to avoid you to be hurt! If you trust him!

Me: All right! I trust you!

And then he put his hands on my shoulders and we start walking, I don't know the destination but the trip is more important! I felt that we weren't any more in Studio 1 but Noah was with me.

Noah: Now you can take off the blindfold!

I took it off, we were in Studio A and everyone yelled SURPRISE!

Me: But it's not my birthday! It's the next week!

Amy: We know it's December 27th but we will be on Xmas holidays so we decided to celebrate it today!

Me: You are all here, I'm so grateful! I want to confess to all of you something: this morning I was scared to be on tour because we're going to live together for weeks! It sounds frightening! But now, when I see all your efforts to congrats me, I'm not scared anymore but grateful to have the chance to be on tour with you!

We all hugged.

Henry: It was a lot of organization!

James: The most difficult was to avoid you to go to Studio A, so we sent Noah to distract you!

Me: Ah! So that's why Noah was always on his phone! It was for me!!🤔😏😁

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