I spent the rest of the day tailing Ramona around. I actually managed to have a good time in Chemistry. Ramona knew as much about the subject as I did, which is jackshit. But, who actually pays attention in class. Don't we have better shit to do? I liked Ramona. She was nice in her own disturbing way. We spent the whole class debating about the possibility of Cole Sprouse dating Lili Reinhart and thanking God for Ryan Reynolds. She didn't talk much and when she did, it was in fluent sarcasm.The girl had a switch that was always on. She had emo-ish black purple hair but, she didn't hide her face behind those curtains of straight coarse hair. She wore black but, I had a feeling not on purpose. Her small arms were the colour of fresh maple syrup and those almond shaped black eyes held no fear. Nope, not a goth. Just really weird. Weird was good.
I was following her to the cafeteria for lunch when someone grabbed my elbow to hold me back. I looked back to the familiar face holding me back. Ramona stopped to look at what made stop. "You go on," I told her "She and I have stuff to talk about."She shrugged and walked away. The moment Ramona walked away, the girl at my shoulder started hitting my arm. "What the shitbiscuit, Rocio? I could crush you like a twig, you midget!" Rocio was a year younger than me and we had been neighbours our whole lives. She was my baby sister. And at this moment she seemed hell bent on shaping my bicep to look like Olaf.
"You idiot human being! Why does this shit happen to you?" I put both my hands on her head and pushed her to arm's length. Even now as she was flailing at me like some orangutan in heat, she was pretty. But, Queen Bey said pretty hurts and the Queen is never wrong. "Rocio! Calm your tetas, woman!" She stopped swinging at me but, i still had my palms on her head and was keeping her at a distance. "Let me go, buta!" she snarled. Even when she was mad, she was pretty cute, like a puppy being angry or something. Slowly, carefully, I let her go. "Okay," I said, "tell me what's up?" I always had a theory Latinas could breathe fire. Maybe, she'll prove it today.
"What is up, puta estupida, is that the whole school is talking about the fact that you were kicked out by those girls and now you are a degenerate. Why do I find out about these things second hand?" She wrapped her arms around herself and asked me calmly. "I'm sorry, Roo, I just didn't wanna talk about it. I still don't. But, yeah, you shouldn't have found out from other people. I'm sorry about that. But, can you please not ask questions now. I'll tell you when I'm ready." There, i said it. Rocio jerkily nodded and suddenly, hugged me fiercely. She barely came up to my shoulder and whispered against it "Whenever you're ready, I'm here. And only I'm allowed to give you shit for this. If anyone else tries anything, I'll end them. Lo tengo hermana?" She abruptly released me and walked away. And there goes the bell. No lunch for you today then, Morgan.
The rest of the school passed away in a haze. I only had two other classes with Ramona so, the other classes consisted of me being quiet and not drawing any attention to me. I rode my bike home. (Yes, I ride a bicycle in high school, get over it! Laugh at me when you've got the buns of steel!) Mama was out in field and Papa was on a two month long Maasai tribe development mission in South Africa, so I had the house to myself. There were perks of having social worker parents. Very few. Mostly you feel guilty about having chocolate while people in Sub-Saharan Africa were starving. Also, you can't spend extra money, need to have a strong political knowledge and have excellent people skills. Like I said; very few. But, this meant that they can't interrogate me just now. My parents may be solving world hunger and male chauvinism but, they were paying exceptional attention to the school politics of St. Adrian's High. They were busy, but great parents.
I spent the rest of the day and evening alternating between sleeping and looking at memes. I had no texts, no DMs,no new following, it was as if my socials had gone dead. Habib tagged me in a dozen Malec edits and Walmart Yodeling Boy memes, though. I decided to look Ramona up on Instagram. Pitiful, pitiful condition. She didn't have a single picture. She followed about hundred people which all turned out to be meme pages. I decided to follow her. There! She now had six followers!
Mama came home at 7, made me sit down with her and repeat every single thing that happened. At around 8:30, Papa FaceTimed us and I had to do another recap. They both came to the conclusion that I should lay low for a while and that Ramona was an angel. I zoned out after that. They may have said something else but,I was too busy imagining domestic Drarry scenarios. (My Poor Fangirl Heart!)
I called Habib after dinner. "That Ramona chick is on another level altogether!" He said the moment he picked up the phone, "I was asking around about her and some guy said he was partnered with her for some project. She kept on hitting the table with her foot and shaking it. He was like, 'Ramona, don't shake the table!' and that salty ass bitch said 'that's not what your mom said last night', Like What!! Bless that girl!!" We talked for about an hour and then I decided to call it a night. Impossible as it may seem, I went to bed smiling that night.
Haaaiii pretty people! I'm sorry, I'm late! But, I'mma make it up to you! Double update today and trust me, next chapter, someone important is coming around *wiggles eyebrows*! Be back in a flash!
-Love Tannaz
PS -Didju hear?! We got #170 on Teen Fiction!! Like aaaaahhh!! Let's see if we can do better! Vote, comment, you better work bitch!!

The Snitch
Teen FictionThe school's hotshot Tyra Morgan is hit with her biggest fear; being ignored. The seemingly perfect popular girl squad kicks her out and she is now cooties personified. Will she be able to manage high school without being the queen bee? And more imp...