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You know that voice in your head that keeps telling you to do things? That is somehow mean and impulsive and makes you do really stupid, illogical things? Well, for us OCD sufferers, this voice is really loud and sometimes, it succeeds in making us do those things. They are not generally harmful, just impulsive things that do not make any sense like, pulling your eyelashes out or enthusiastically waving to random strangers or maybe, snitching on your best friends. But, right now this voice was telling me to smack a hoe and, to be very honest, sis had a point.

Like a civilized person, I had approached Monica. I had started off by telling her that I didn't want beef with her, she scoffed at my face and called me a bitch. I swallowed my anger and asked her to stop acting like a five-year old, she rolled her eyes and said that she was entitled to her opinion. I told her, very calmly, to shove her uninformed and totally BS opinion up her ass and that's when she pushed me. "I would tell you what I really think about you but, you'll probably go running to the teacher, crying." My fists curled as I felt Ray's hand on my shoulder and Habib's grip on my shoulder tightened. "Don't do this again, Monica. We can sort this out, I'm tired of feeling like I'm in Afghanistan in a tanktop, every time I walk in the school hallways." I tried to reason with her. She let out a really shrill laugh and said "A tanktop? Bet your chink man whore loves that, huh?" Ray held on to me tighter as if saying that he'd not hesitate to carry me away again, if needed. "Don't you dare talk to Ray that way, I know I swore to never hit a girl but, you barely make it into the human category, bitch." Habib piped up. "Or what? You hot for him too, fag?" She said with a smirk as Habib looked like he had been slapped. A silence fell over the watching crowd now. Everybody knew she had crossed the line. I felt Ray letting my arm go, I looked up at him and he was looking at Monica with an expression that could only be classified as intense disgust. He didn't remove his eyes from her face as he said a single word, "Go."

I took three long strides to Monica and slapped her across the face so hard that three of my press on nails skittered onto the floor. I had the pleasure of watching her stumble two steps back, clutching the right side of her face. It now had a handprint because my palm was coated with a shit load of Fenty foundation. I walked up to her again, she looked to shook to move and wiped my hand on her halter top which looked pretty expensive. Then I grabbed one of each of my boys' hands and walked out.


"You should have still waited till I unfroze and punched her in her stupid face." Habib was still saying after half-an-hour. "I told you," Ray said again, "it had to be her. We can't hit a female, no matter how much of a bitch she is. Doesn't mean Morgan can't, though." He stopped to grin at me, "And if I would have held her back for one more second, she probably would have dunked me on the ground and pounded my face in instead of hers." he said and leaned over to plant a kiss on my forehead. I drank my fourth coffee in 30 minutes and nodded my head. Yeah, I probably would have. "I've never seen you this mad before." Habib nudged me, "And you're not exactly a calm person. That was pretty Katniss Everdeen, you were pretty much spitting fire. What happened to being the better person?" I took a bite from my burrito and very calmly said, "Fuck being the better person." I sipped more coffee and exhaled loudly. "I'm just tired of not having a normal life, you know? Like, does it always have to be some big drama? I want to just go to school and lie about homework and own a secret BTS fanpage, is that too much to ask for?"

Ray thoughtfully sipped at his fancy Chinese tea. The tiny cafe a block away from St. Adrian's was the best place to let off some steam since Ray decided that I was too mad and nothing but food could calm me down. I started crying about how well he knew me and then, he and Habib practically dragged me to Ray's jeep. I was probably proving every stereotype about Indians being savage right as I ate a week's worth of food with both hands. "You know who was really normal?" Shen asked me while looking at me from above the rim of his cup of tea. I waited while stuffing my face with more burrito, "Reynold Stiffman." he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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