I had almost made it. Proving people who call me extra (I am NOT. Believe me or I will dissect you with a seraph blade with glitter on it.), the moment it became too much I ran from school. My hand had reached the door when I was held around the middle and tackled to the ground. I registered that the offender was a guy. Probably that idiot I punched for saying Kylie Jenner was his idol. Don't do that, children, it's the work of Satan.
And I hurt my elbow. So I had Phys. Ed. to look forward to. This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? I stood up holding my elbow and looked at my attacker. Great, Habib. "What the Cheryl Blossom do you think you are doing, Morgan?" he gasped out. "Running away" I replied."Where to?"
-"I don't know."
-"How're you getting there?"
-"No clue."
-"During school hours?"
-"Were you always this annoying?"
He grinned, gripped my wrist and dragged me to the third floor staircase. Trigonometry class, hence the staircase was mostly empty. He sat down on one of the stairs at the bottom and pulled me down next to him. I noticed that he had added purple highlights to his already red streaked hair. He caught me staring, "Aww, Morgan, if you fall in love with me or something right now, it'll be really awkward.", he said and shook his head solemnly. "Habib Hussain, if you suggest something that hideous the next time, I'm gonna have to make sure you enter the next Hunger Games ." "No need, Morgan," he fired back, "Your sense of humour is already killing me." I smacked his head again.
Habib and I had become friends after Drama Club. He was not introverted or anything but, back in 7th grade, he was going through an angsty phase. Everybody knew about the gay kid with the Amy Winehouse attitude. Nobody liked him. That is why I, in my immeasurable kindness, decided to adopt him and helped him unleash his inner Magnus Bane. Fast forward to 3 years later and you find the sassy 6 foot tall, olive skinned diva that was Habib Hussain. He wasn't Beatrice but, he was there. He helped me in baewatching, he slapped the shit out of me when I cried about a guy for more than two days, you know, friendship.
He gave my hair a tug and said, "You wanna tell me what happened?". I took a deep breath and told him about the sucker punch to my ego, back in the English class. He listened intently inserting obscenities and agreements wherever necessary. "You know," he put his elbows on the stair above him and leaned "It is gonna take some time. Everyone probably knows but, the idiots in this place have brains the size of peanuts so, they won't understand your side. At least not yet. Who was this girl anyway?" "Ramona something. Violet highlights, talks like she eats lemons for breakfast. Speak of the devil." I said pointing my chin towards the approaching pint sized bitch face. "What that's Ramona something?! She's tiny. You couldn't take her? Morgan, I'm gonna have to disown you." "Shut up, shut up shutup!" I said frantically to make sure I looked intimidating. I couldn't have her thinking she made me almost run out of the school, crying. Even though that was the truth, "Do something to make me look hot!" I whispered at Habib. "Babe," He said, "I do guys, not magic." And the hoe was here.
"What do you want, Ramona? Some manners?" I asked in my best indifferent voice. "Sorry," she said, " I didn't get that. I don't speak bullshit." I could hear Habib's sharp intake of breath. She shook her head and said, "Look, I'm not here to start up more trouble. I don't know what happened between you and your posse of oversized Barbies and I'm not gonna apologize for what I said. I meant every word." "Gee, thanks, Ramona. This makes me feel so much better.", I snarled. "But," she continued as if I hadn't interrupted, "I shouldn't have said it like that in front of everyone. Especially, on your first day as a normal human being." Wait, she was apologizing? In a weird way, of course, but, she was apologizing.
"Seeing as the nice girls kicked you out, I don't think any of them will partner you in Chemistry next period. You wanna partner me?" She crossed her arms and looked at me for an answer.I decided to ask Habib for his opinion but, he was staring at Ramona like he wanted to fall at her feet and worship her. The look he had when he looked at Cardi B. Okay, then, looks like I don't have a choice. " Yeah, sure. I'd like to partner you." She gave me a hint of a smile and walked away.
"So," I turned towards Habib, "What d'you think ?" He shook his head like a dog trying to get water out his ears and said, "I think that girl may finally be able to do what I have been unable to so far." " And what is that?" I asked squinting my eyes. "Fix you."
I met Ramona outside the chemistry classroom, 10 minutes later. She nodded at me and entered the classroom with me following her like a lost puppy. She sat down at one of tables at the back and motioned me to sit next to her. "Okay," I tried to start a conversation, "We add Copper Sulphate to Iron Bromide here right? Or was it, Iron Sulphide? You know, I heard somewhere that a few years back, some kid mixed everything and the whole desk blew up! I mean, it could be a rumour but, at the same time-" "Tyra." She cut me off, "If I wanted to hear an ass make noise I'd just fart." I was shook for a second then I started laughing. For the first time in 3 days, I was actually full on laughing. Seeing me laugh my ass of, Ramona smiled and then shushed me as the class started. The Girls were in the classroom when I started laughing, they tried to ignore it but Irene shot me a look. I immediately quietened down.
Ramona noticed my abrupt stop and looked at The Girls. She must have figured out what happened because she said, "So, do you actually wanna see if the desk blows up when we mix everything?" and smiled at me. The boulder on my heart started lifting a little as I bared my teeth and said, "Hell yes!"
Maybe this wasn't all bad.
Ahoy!! I'm sorry, I missed the update on Saturday but, it was Saturday, y'all!! A girl's gotta have a life! Did you like the sassface Ramona is?! Of course, you did! Also, we got #412 on Teen Fiction, so whoooop!! Let's see if we can do better. Vote, comment, do that thang, and don't forget you're a smokeshow!
Next update on Wednesday, sweet peas!
-Love Tannaz

The Snitch
أدب المراهقينThe school's hotshot Tyra Morgan is hit with her biggest fear; being ignored. The seemingly perfect popular girl squad kicks her out and she is now cooties personified. Will she be able to manage high school without being the queen bee? And more imp...