I stood at the same spot where Shen left me for five minutes and smiled like a complete fucktard. He was actually kinda okay. If he hadn't taken me away, I don't know what I would have done. I was so angry, I would have hit anything in the way, be it that whoreface or even Cardi B (who is an absolute goddess, let me tell you.) He carried me for a solid five minutes at least, some of the kids looked shocked for a second and then carried on with their shit. Seniors who had 20 assignments due in a week, about 50 tests, SATs and the only liquid they consumed being coffee really couldn't bring themselves to give a fuck for more than 2 seconds about anything. Even if it was a really tall Chinese kid carrying a screaming girl on his shoulders, through the school.
How was he so freakishly strong? He wasn't even very muscly, lanky, maybe. We talked for about a minute in front of the library. How did I enjoy talking to him? He knew I was about to make the bj joke, even before I did. And why did the idea of him carrying me to the pool suddenly sound so appealing? He walked away while cracking his neck from side to side. Were those back muscles I was seeing? His black long sleeves hid his hands but, I knew they were full of veins. Oh holy Rihanna, he had a jawline?! Yep, I was so into him. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and made a call, "We have a problem."
"So, now you're crushing on him?" Ramona asked while putting her feet on my bed. "Yes and I'm feeling all happy and glitzy. Make it stop." I answered narrowing my eyes. "Isn't he like, older?" She asked and scrunched up her nose. "No, he's not. He's a senior but, his files in the school office says it's not his birthday yet. He's 17." I sounded so happy about this that, it made me taste bile. "And how did you get his files?" I didn't answer. She smacked my head.
"Anyway," she said settling into my pillows, "What did you want from me? If you wanted me to give a fuck, I'm sorry we're all out of them." I took a deep breath and sat down in front of her, "No, whenever we have something major in our lives, we are supposed to talk about it. And even though you are a sexually frustrated teenager that is going to die with her cats, I value your advice." She nodded and asked, "How'd you know I was sexually frustrated? You never know, I could be getting some action on the side." I sighed, "Yesterday, when Roberts told you to shut up, you bit your lip and said 'make me'." She nodded solemnly and said, "Touché...No hold up, douché."
She was hopeless at this, I needed Habib. He was supposed to be here half an hour ago. I called him and it went straight to voicemail. "Who're you calling?" Ramona asked. "Calling Habib," there, voicemail again! Okay, desperate times. "Habib," I spoke into the WhatsApp audio, "I need you to get your bedazzled ass in here right now! I'm in absolute heat for Ray Shen and can't stop thinking about having our mix-raced beautiful children. I don't know what to do but, you need to get here before I start eating my mattress in panic, again." I cut the message off and threw down the phone on the bed. "You eat mattresses when you panic?" Ramona asked. I chucked a pillow at her.
Habib didn't show up for the rest of the evening and Ramona did nothing except, cleaning my refrigerator out. That woman even took up a spoon and ate all my mayonnaise! When she started eyeing my vinegar, I decided it was time for her to go. Mama was pretty tired when she got home so, she wasn't feeling very chatty. She asked me how school was and I told her everything that didn't include Ray or drama, which was more basic than Jennifer Aniston. I was in bed by 10 and asleep by 2:30 in the morning. I didn't remember what I dreamed of but, visions of crinkled eyes and long-ass arms kept swimming behind my eyes.
I checked my phone for texts when I woke up. Just some notifications and a text from Papa asking me what an OG is. I love the man but, he needed to discover Urban Dictionary. Nothing from Habib, though. I wasn't worried about him, he had a history of disappearing for long hours without any specific reason. Once, he slept at 3 p.m. and woke up at 4. The next day. The bitch slept for 25 hours straight. See, that is the nap we all deserve!
I reached school and Ramona met me where I parked my bike. She and I had been tagging each other in memes the whole night, so the bags beneath my eyes were mirrored in her face too. "Good Morning, Tyra. You look like a obese man's shit. Who also has diarrhea." I gagged at the vivid picture she had painted in my mind. "Is that how you treat your friends, early in the morning, Ramona?" I asked when we started walking. "What friend?" She looked at me blankly. "Squidward is my only friend." I was about to roll my eyes and make some joke about not making Kermit jealous when, I spotted Habib in front of the media room. "Brb." I poked Ramona. "Why don't you just say 'be right back'? It's the same number of syllables." I just dashed towards Habib.
"Where in the fuck were you?" I asked when I reached him, catching my breath. "Started watching 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.', He smiled sheepishly, "Lost track of time and watched the first three seasons." Why do I have friends like this?
"That is so dumb, but, I'm also kinda proud of you. And weirdly jealous. I need to talk to you about something." I said in a rush. I told you, I'm bad with this feels thing. He tapped his knuckled on my cheekbone and said, "In a moment, baby bitch. I just need to play some songs on the school intercom. It's my turn to teach these degenerates about Her Highness, Lauryn Hill." I nodded and headed back to Ramona as he went into the media room.
Surprisingly, Ramona was waiting for me. "What'd he say?" She asked with a jerk of her chin. "Apparently, he was watching S.H.I.E.L.D. and lost himself in Brett Dalton's eyes." I shrugged and we started walking away. "Don't blame him. Grant Ward could punch my throat and I would thank him." It's official; my friends are clinically insane. "What was he doing in media room anyway?" She asked me when we reached the third floor. "His turn to play music in the intercom. Apparently, he needs to teach people about Lauryn Hill." I wheezed out. The school really needed to install elevators. She chuckled and said, "Yeah, I WhatsApped him some of her songs yesterday. He's probably going to play them." "Since when do you guys talk?" I huffed out clutching at the banisters. Elevators, please. "Since you are in danger of having a full on mental breakdown." She smiled. Oh, they were taking care of me! That was kinda sweet.
The intercom burst into life and 'Doo-Wop' started playing. Ramona and I talked all the way to Chemistry class, there was still about half an hour for school to start. The song changed and another audio started playing "Habib, I need you to get your bedazzled ass..." Holy mother of Fuck! Ramona and I shared a terrified look for a fraction of a second and then I started running. I don't think I've ever run that fast in my life, people were straight up staring at me."..I'm in absolute heat for Ray Shen.." Oh Fuck!! Actual Fuck! There's the media room! The door was ajar and I rushed in. "...can't stop thinking about having our mix-raced beautiful children". Habib was standing in front of the system looking horrified and, there, leaning on the wall was, the menace himself, Ray Shen. He had his arms crossed and was looking at me smiling while I rushed in and grabbed Habib's phone along with the cable and ripped it out of the intercom system. He looked almost smug! I didn't even need to look around to know that all the other students were straight up glaring at me. I ran to the library.
Oh! My!! Laawwwd!!!!! I CAN'T!! I'd die if this happened to me. Ray is just starting people!!
Vote and comment if Ray is the man we all deserve!! Next update tomorrow! *hint hint* The next one's going to be exiiiiting!!
-Love, Tannaz.

The Snitch
Teen FictionThe school's hotshot Tyra Morgan is hit with her biggest fear; being ignored. The seemingly perfect popular girl squad kicks her out and she is now cooties personified. Will she be able to manage high school without being the queen bee? And more imp...