Thanks for 50 views! + ♥ Bullied (Sans x Reader)

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Wow. I didn't think I'd get this many views on these oneshots. Thank you guys so much for the support on these! You may have noticed that I deleted the first Undertale Oneshots book and that's only because I was spazztastically clicking so my computer would unfreeze and yeah... I'm disappointed in myself. But ANYWAY, thanks again for reading these. I'm glad you like them 😊 And as a reward, you get a Sans x Reader. Enjoy!


On your way home from school, you walked through the snow and hugged your books to your chest; you shivered as a breeze blew through the air and messed up your hair a bit. You anticipated getting home to your adoptive mother, Toriel, and enjoying her seemingly-gross-but-actually-pretty-good snail pie. You remember yesterday when you helped her bake it so that you and your younger sibling, Frisk, could enjoy it together.

Already smelling the tastiness of the pie, you're snapped back to the reality of the bitter-cold of Snowdin Town as you hear rustling from the nearby bushes. Looking in the direction of the noise, you see nothing but a small bunny jump out eating some grass.

Sighing in relief, you shake off the tension and keep walking.... before you hear the noise again. This time, looking all around you, you see where the noises were coming from.

"Well, well, well," a sneaky voice teased from behind you, "What do we have here?" Looking at the slender boy behind you, you put on your stern face.

"Who are you?" you questioned snarkily, not letting your guard down.

"Doesn't matter. But I've seen you around at school and..." he took a few steps closer to you, trying to make himself look innocent, "Never got a chance to properly introduce myself."

"Well, whoever you are. I have no interest in finding out if you don't mind. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get home." You turned to leave before feeling a harsh yank on your hair. You snapped back and fell to the snow, looking upward in a daze. Wincing, you stare at your oppressor as he smirks down at you.

"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart? I'm not done with you yet." He dragged you up to your feet, gripping your neck with his large hand. Gasping for air, you struggle to take his hand off. "Listen to me and listen close. You tell nobody about what happens here. You say a word and..." he draws his finger across his neck, "Get me?"

You frantically nod as you were dropped back to the snow and suffered a rough kick to your stomach. "Get up. I wouldn't wanna break anything." He kicked you again as you feel the air leaving your lungs. "Get up!"

"Excuse me, kid, but I think you're in the wrong place," a voice growled.

Your bully turned to face a familiar skeleton with his signature smile. "I'd like it if you stopped hurting my friend and go away, Get me?" Sans had this look on his face, a look you'd never seen before; it kind of frightened you.

"Whatever, bone breath. Like you can do anything to stop me," your attacker taunted him.

Sans' smirk grew wide as his eye flickered to blue. "Funny you say that..." his hand glowed brightly and the same aura surrounded the boy, lifting him.

"Whoa! What the-!" the boy exclaimed, flailing his arms, "Put me down!"

Sans shrugged. "Whatever you say, kiddo." He brought the boy up higher and then slammed him into the ground, causing most of the surrounding snow to disperse upwards.

You struggled to get up, feeling a throbbing pain in your stomach. Lifting your shirt, you grimaced at a nice-sized, blue bruise on your abdomen, and sat up.

"Beat it, kid. Before I get mad," Sans stated nonchalantly.

The boy, looking terrified, scrambled himself up and fled in the opposite direction.

"You okay, kid?" Sans asked, concerned.

You nodded. "Yeah. I'll be fine. My stomach just hurts. A lot," you replied painfully. Sans' blue magic surrounded you as you smiled weakly at him, feeling heavier.

"Let's get you home so Papyrus can heal you, alright?"

"... Alright. Thanks, Sans."

"No problem, kiddo."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now