♠ Annoyed (Fell! Papyrus x Aggressive! Reader)

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Taken aback, Papyrus felt where your hand impacted on his skull before giving you a blank, yet still mean-looking stare.

You glared back at him with your heart racing and your teeth bared. Feeling your face soften a bit, you quickly storm off to your room and slam the door behind you.

Papyrus watched you leave and stood up, sighing sadly before going back to minding his own business.

In your room, you sat on your bed with your arms crossed and glared angrily at the wall trying to figure out the reason for your negative emotions. Eventually giving up, you growl and roughly leave your room.

Going downstairs, you see Papyrus in the kitchen, stirring noodles in a pot; he had a somewhat... somber look on his face.

You were staring at him for a while; he was ignoring you. Glaring at him, you begrudgingly sit on the couch and go on your phone, suddenly being met with your lock screen background

 Glaring at him, you begrudgingly sit on the couch and go on your phone, suddenly being met with your lock screen background

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You stared at the picture nostalgically, subconsciously letting a small smile appear on your face. Flinching, a voice snaps you out of your thoughts.

"I'm heading out. Dinner is on the stove," Papyrus informed, walking out the front door.

You sighed, uncrossing your arms and looking around the room, not necessarily feeling hungry at the moment...

'He probably poisoned it,' you thought.

...Although, after a while, you started getting this uneasy feeling in your stomach; you couldn't figure out what it was.

'Why do I feel sick?' You rub your stomach and grimace, slightly frustrated. 'I can't be feeling... guilt, can I? After what Papyrus did? It's his fault for making me upset! Maybe my stomach hurts and I just need something to eat...'

You went to the kitchen and prepared yourself a plate of Papyrus' spaghetti. After finishing it, you found that you didn't feel any different from before.

"Hmm." You really didn't like this feeling. It felt like someone was taking out your intestines from your body, tying them up in knots, and putting them back in.

"I feel... like I should... God, I can't believe I'm saying this... Like I should apologize to Papyrus... This will be easy," you mumbled sarcastically.

As if on cue, the tall skeleton walked through the front door again, with groceries in his hands, and closed the door with his hip.

You slowly followed him into the kitchen as he started putting the food away.

'Alright, _____. Just come out and say it. But don't sound like a jerk either,' you thought to yourself.

"...Look, bonehead-" you were surprised to suddenly feel Papyrus hugging you tightly; he didn't say anything.

"P... Papyrus? What are you doing? Let go...!" you retorted, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry," he finally said, hugging you tighter, "For making you angry with me. I don't find it in my best interest seeing you or Sans unhappy, and I hope you know that."

You blushed slightly and slowly nodded. "Yeah. I know..."

He smirked. "So, do you forgive me?"

You sighed with a small smile and hugged him again. "Yeah, Pap. I forgive you. And for the record, being angry is the most exhausting emotions to express towards you."

"Nyeh heh heh heh~."

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now