♥ Epiphany (Fell! Sans + Fell! Papyrus x Heartbroken! Reader)

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Since it's a short song, I advise that you keep repeating it.


As the rain poured and drenched your clothes and hair, you quickly run into your home, slamming the door behind you.

With no other options, you start to break down in tears. Besides your sobs, all you could hear was the sound of your shattering heart. You sat there, huddled in a ball against the door, alone with your somber thoughts.

'I should've known. Two, long years of a seemingly happy relationship. Two, long years of lies and excuses.'

"Oh, I should've known!" you wailed, "Why did I think I could try again? Why did I think my heart was ready for another relationship?" Whenever you felt as badly as you did at the moment, you'd try and think of ways to feel better, though, it was sort of difficult, given the situation but you thought of something.

"I should probably cook something before Papy and Sans come home. Papyrus always cooks and as long as I'm here, I guess I can lighten up and get to the kitchen."

Going to the kitchen, you decide to make something other than Papyrus' usual cuisine of traditional spaghetti with hot sauce.

Suddenly, you hear a rap on the door, making you flinch a bit. 

"Kid, it's me. I'm home," a familiar voice started from the other side.

Crap. It was Sans. "I can't let him see me like this," you whisper-exclaimed, quickly wiping your eyes with your hands. As for what to do about your red, puffy eyes, you figured he wouldn't notice if you held your head down and avoided eye contact.

"It's open," you called once you started making dinner.

Sans instead teleported in with a smug grin on his face; you sighed out of relief, realizing he could've done that at any time. "Heya, kid," he greeted.

"Hi, Sans," you replied dryly, wiping your hands free of water before opening the box of pasta on the counter. 

"Somethin' smells good in here."

You both knew you didn't start making dinner yet, he was just trying to get a laugh out of you, which, unfortunately, he didn't, and he noticed.

"Tough crowd." He trailed to the kitchen where you were and stood not too far behind you.

Your lip started trembling, struggling to restrain the pained sobs. Though, you still kept it together, trying hard to hide your inner torment. "Huh? Uh, yeah, sorry. I'm just a bit," but you couldn't stop your voice from wavering a bit, "tired today. Your joke was funny, though." Giving Sans a half-hearted smile, you turn your attention back to the pot you were filling with water.

Sans gave you a doubtful stare, hoping you'd continue talking. "You sure? You seem kind of down. Did somethin' happen?"

"Nothing happened, Sans. I'm fine," you snapped, "Dinner should be ready a bit, just chill and wait for Papy to get home."

Hesitant, Sans headed for the living room, still staring at you worriedly, although it was hard to tell just by his expression. "... Okay. Whatever ya say, kid."

As soon as he left, you quickly reverted back to the negative demeanor you had seemed to own before; your hands were shaking. 

'Keep it together, _____. Don't let him grow more suspicious than he is now. Just keep your negative feelings out of other people's business.'  Your self-pep-talk seemed to work... for a split second. 

*Writing these oneshots fills you with Determination (Undertale AU Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now