Chapter 1

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What was happening? Why was it happening? Was it destiny? Or my bad luck? Why did he choose me? There were plenty of girls in this world, why me?

The funny part was that I didn't have a say in it. I felt worthless being ordered around like that. Like I didn't have any feelings. Like the typical stereotypes who claimed that women didn't have the same power as men.

As if the woman that gave you birth wasn't strong enough.

I had cried a lot in the past few days. I thought I had lost the ability to cry more.

However, I had realized the pain in my heart was too fierce. Tears continued streaming from my eyes each passing second.

With trembling hands, I opened the door to my room and took desperate steps to the bathroom at the end of the hall.

I locked the door after me and looked at myself in the mirror. I stared at my eyes, holding an intense gaze which scared myself.

My once green/blue eyes filled with life looked dull. I couldn't find any emotions in them. I couldn't feel any emotions other than fear.

A pin drop silence fell on my ears and I could only hear my loud heartbeats, as if there was a thunder going on inside it.

My attention soon moved to the tap, where I could hear water drops hitting the surface one after another.

At that moment, I was loathing the drops. Jealousy started rising inside of me as I watched the drops with determination. The only wish I had was to be as lucky as the water drops and find a surface that I could disappear into. A hole, anything which would make me disappear from here and hide from his eyes forever.

My mind wandered off to everything that had happened during the past month. The only wish I had at the moment was if I could rewind back time and make it stop just before that despiteful day that I laid my eyes on him.

One month ago, If I had heard of what a joke life would present me with, I would laugh. I would think that a twenty years old happy and carefree girl named Jasmin wouldn't fall the victim of anything that didn't please her.

I guess, life didn't always go as planned.

I lived a pretty normal life in a city called Rosew. The city I grew up in. The city I had so many memories in. I was pleased living there with my parents and little brother, even though the city was in the hands of a big family.

The Aydin family had been ruling Rosew in all kind of ways. From politics, to business, to every small movement happening in the town. Their ancestors had been doing it for decades. They were the only strongest family in the town with contacts all around the world.

Most of the residents of Rosew supported and looked up to them. Which was why they had succeeded so much.

I had never come across any of the family members before....except for the one that I came face to face with just a month ago.

One of the reasons I had never met any of them was because they lived on the other side of town, a good bit away from my home. Even if I had come across one of them, I wouldn't recognize them because I was never interested in knowing about them.

Me and my family were peacefully living our lives. We were not over our dark past but we had accepted it and learnt to live with it.

Then, the day came. When I first met him. The mad man who had taken it as a task to ruin my life.

~1 month ago~

I heard some shuffling and people talking in the living room but ignored it, thinking it was my father's guests since my uncle was here visiting us from another city. I went back to typing on my laptop.

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