The Bahamas

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After two hours of a very, and Kara does mean very comfortable nap. She woke up straddling a sleeping Lena's waist, she felt the soft touch of her fingertips on her arms, she felt her soft breath, those green eyes that she loved so much, were closed. She used one hand and cupped her face softly, and using her fingers to caress her cheek.

"Well sleeping beauty, your up," Lily said with a smile.

"I wasn't asleep for that long, was I ?" Kara asked

"It's only been a couple hours, your ok kid," Lily responded, taking a shot of tequila." So, you guys fucked yet?"

Kara went a bright red "The tequila kicked in that quick?"

"No, just a standard question," Lily responded with a smile

"Yes, we had sex, a couple times.." Kara said softly "She mostly did it as a teaching mechanism for me"

"You have an issue with sex?" Lily asked

"I have no problem with sex, it's just the idea of being vulnerable.." Kara trailed off

"I can see what you mean kid, you don't have to explain.. But know it's not to hurt you, it's to make the two of you connect in a different way than just kisses, it's to have an intimate touch, " Lily said.

A small smile crept up on Kara's lips. "Thank you, " She whispered, giving a small kiss on Lily's cheek.

"If you weren't married to Lena, I could actually fall in love with you," Lily said jokingly "Ok, now the tequila kicked in,"

Kara laughed "I see, put that thing on autopilot so you can sleep it off, I know you're a lightweight,"

Lilly pressed the autopilot button and everything was in smooth motion, Lily walked to a seat and slept, snoring ever so lightly.

Kara felt arms wrap around her, and a light feathery kiss on the back of her neck.

"Everything ok love? " Lena whispered

"Yeah, Lily and I were just chatting," Kara blushed." Can I ask something?"

"Love, of course, you're entitled to having questions, " Lena said, kissing the back of her neck once more.

"Could I.. use those red sun earrings you made me, to control my powers on the trip, I don't wanna use them while we're on the trip," Kara whispered

"Do you want to? I mean, I tested them and they won't physically hurt you. But are you ok being that vulnerable?" Lena asked.

Kara nodded " I trust you,"

Lena smiled, just a little bit. "Ok, when we get to the beach house,"

Kara took a seat next to Lena and smiled.

"You excited?" Lena asked

Kara nodded," I've never been to the Bahamas before, I'm glad I get to spend it with you, and I hope we can do this again."

Lena smiled, oblivious to Kara that she was happy that she said that, Lena was never good on planes, only if she was with Kara would she feel at ease with the flying thing. And she was glad that Kara was with her on their honeymoon.

Kara snuggled in deeper into Lena, getting into a comfortable position, Lena smiled and kissed her lips deeply, all her love for Kara in that kiss, in all the kisses that they had with one another, was just that special.

"Ma'am?" Wendy asked

Kara jumped softly in surprise. "Yes?"

"Are you guys ready to eat? Ms. Luthor?" Wendy asked

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