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A/N: So sorry that this is short. Had testing and on top of that, I've been sick. I will update more if I don't have too much testing for high schools. I'm going to post a schedule of updates later on.

The smell of lavender and softly scented vanilla bean calmed Kara.

Her hospital room wasn't the most comfy, but the scent of vanilla candles and lavender would always be the thing that kept Kara sane. Lena was at work late again, Eliza and Alex were at home, and Kara was here.

"Grrr....I can't sleep!!" Kara yelled, breaking the silence.

She kept thinking of Adrien, his sparkling brown eyes and messy brown hair as they both fell. She needed to see him, especially after Lena snapped off at him, and Alex scaring the shit out of him.

She looked around the dark recovery area. J'onn was probably at home at the moment, and everyone was pretty much gone.

'I remember the password to his cell since I overheard operation Adrien is a go!'

She got up quickly, feeling the pain of her back come to haunt her again. She hissed quickly, taking off her vital tags and putting them on the pillow as quickly as she could, making sure not to alert the alarm.

'Damn it! ,' She hissed in her head and got a wheelchair. She snickered quietly and put her bottom in the chair, rolling quickly out the door, making sure that the door closed silently. She rolled as fast as she could, seeing a guard, she turned quietly and waited.




She looked back and saw that the guard was gone. She heard the lights dim. All she saw was darkness, her eyes adjusting quickly to the dark area.

"Thank Rao I can remember the area" Kara grumbled, wheeling faster. She held onto the wall, making sure to stop when she heard the door. "A few more seconds."  She whispered softly, seeing a bright blue light.

A keypad.


Kara smiled, pressing in the numbers quickly, hearing a small hiss as the door slid open. She wheeled herself over to the door, entering in the room. Hearing the door hiss again and close, she looked at Adrien. His golden blonde hair was a mess, his dark brown eyes looked up, blinking more as he saw the injured girl in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm here to see you," Kara whispered, her eyes glowing in the soft moonlight. Adrien took a deep breath. He  felt guilty saying the words. He was never able to say them, it wasn't necessary for him to say it. He was always privileged enough to not say it, but now, he's here. In a cell room, with the woman that he almost killed.

"I'm sorry,"

"Hm? For what?" Kara asked.

"For making you jump with me, I shouldn't have put you in that position," Adrien said, looking at the blonde. He brushed his hair away from his eyes, waiting for an answer.

"You don't make me do anything, no one does. I wanted to save you. Even when my life was in the balance," Kara said with a smile, putting a warm blanket around her.

He was surprised that she could smile at the position that she was in. She was in a wheelchair, surviving a 100 foot drop. All to save him, a selfish bastard who always got what he wanted, except Kara.

Maybe it was meant to be. The two of them looking at each other, not as enemies, not as regretful friends who made a stupid mistake over a job, not as the people they were in college. But the people now, the old friend who jumped off a building to save her closest friend, a selfish bastard who wanted everything, over a promise. Maybe that was meant to be. Maybe this confrontation, was what the two needed to move on.

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