A Lesson In Chess, Taught By Lena Luthor-Danvers

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(Due to me being slightly busy and under the weather, there was a late update, I apologize and I will try to avoid this again, bt dubs, so glad Lames is over)


Kara woke up rather early, and that wasn't sort of a...Kara thing.

Ever since Kara started sleeping with Lena in the same bed, it wasn't really a surprise that Kara would still be asleep, Lena would usually wake up, check her emails, and maybe even do some video conferences if time allowed it, then make breakfast to lure the blonde out of sleep.

The thing was, Kara was trying to beat Lena in chess.

Kara wasn't a competitive spirit. Not like her sister at least. She didn't care about winning or losing, but when Lena always played chess with Brainy or by herself, she felt her heart pang. Lena would always do things with Kara, and if she didn't know how to do it, she would learn, just for Kara. She remembered when she took a whole class on paintball so when the supergroup when to the paintball area, she could team up with Kara and beat them.

Kara wanted to do this one thing for Lena, to learn her favorite game.

She walked into the library and was greeted with the chess board on the coffee table. She sat on the sofa and started with the black piece.

The issue with Kara and Chess, is that it's a strategy game, to conquer and defeat a person by reading their movements, it could be the simplest thing as breathing the wrong way to expose a persons move. Kara started to move slowly, questioning every move.

'Who would play this..?' She thought.

She started to move, but dropped the piece. She groaned and picked to up, looking at it carefully. She thought back to what Lena said to her about chess.

"Darling, chess is a game of patience, you must understand that, you can't be impatient. Look at my movements, see how I'm looking at your tactics? That's what you have to do to win, it's a game of observation, and finding an opening to take over the army"

Kara looked at the pieces and sighed. Smiling, she mumbled to herself "I couldn't play it even if I wanted to, I need someone else, or it won't work out," she laughed lightly. Putting the chess board back together, she started to call Brainy.

After a couple rings, he answered.

"Hello," He answered in a bored tone. He wasn't sleeping, but he was playing chess, by himself.

"Can you teach me how to play chess?" Kara asked.

Brainy has lit up." Finally, of course! I'll come over right-"

"No no no, I need you to teach me over the phone. Lena can't know, I want to surprise her.." Kara whispered.

"Why would you do that? It's not like it's her birthday or anything," Brainy said, slightly confused at the concept of gifts.

"Lena always played chess, her brother taught her how to play. I don't play with her because I don't get the concept of chess. Lena's patient, she's calm, I'm not, I'm impulsive and I can't wait for a strategy." Kara mumbled.

Brainy sighed "But why do you want to surprise her?"

"Because it's something that I always wanted to do, I wanted to play a game of chess with Lena for a long as I can remember, she does everything for me, she even bought CatCo when she didn't have to, I want to do this for her. To make her happy." Kara said, getting up and walking around the library.

"Then I'm not the person to ask," Brainy smiled. "Lena had her brother teach her, her family. If it's a family tradition, then she should teach you. You guys are family, if you want to learn chess. Who better to learn it from than Lena?"

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