The Beach House

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-A/N: Had to do testing, so I apologize for the late chapter. The CW just broke my heart, like they just tore apart my ship, like come on! But I'm still writing this book! This gives me a glimmer of hope in a cruel CW world. Now on with the story!

Lena was always smiling at Kara.

She never knew why, but she did.

She never knew when to not smile at her. Kara just had that personality where she can smile freely without a care in the world.

She never smiled so much. Even James couldn't make her smile that much when they were dating briefly. But Kara, she's so sweet and kind, a human sunshine, who wouldn't smile around her, she's the literal definition of happiness.

And Lena was just smiling to the point where Kara was wondering what was wrong with the green-eyed goddess before her, she debated herself whether to ask or just leave the situation be, and just relish in Lena's smile.

"Le-Le?" Kara asked softly using Lena's nickname, Lena looked up and smiled, for maybe about the twentieth time today at Kara

"Yes, baby?" Lena asked

"Why are you so happy?" Kara asked. She knew that Lena wouldn't just smile for no apparent reason,

"Because I'm with you, " Lena whispered.

Kara smiled. She grabbed onto Lena's hand and intertwined her fingers, relishing the safe feeling of Lena's soft hand.

Lena chuckled, smiling at the adorable blonde, Lily walked in and gave a smile to the both of them.

"So, while we wait for this car to show up, let's make some conversation. You guys excited?" Lily asked

"Mhm, I've never been to the Bahamas before, " Kara smiled

"Well, Lena over here knows how to swim like a pro, but she'd rather go sit and have a tan, " Lily chuckled, earning a glare from Lena.

"Do you know how to swim Kara?" Lily asked, ignoring the intense glare from Lena.

Kara nodded " My sister and I always went swimming when we were teenagers. I have a lot of experience with it,"

Lena raised an eyebrow, thankfully Kara wasn't looking. Lily chuckled, not because of Kara, but Lena's glare and her eyebrows.

"Jealous, Lena?" Lily asked

"Nope, " Lena smiled, obviously fake, but Kara couldn't tell the difference.

Kara had grabbed the case of earnings, she carefully put them on, waiting for the effects of the earrings

A woman in a suit and her hair wrapped up in a tight bun came into the room, Lena prayed to God that the driver was here, the girl already started to embarrass her.

"Ma'am, the drivers here for Ms. Luthor, " The woman said in a firm voice.

Lena giggled along with Lily, " Which one? " They both asked

"Ms. Lena Luthor," The woman replied

"Well, unfortunately, Kara and I have to go to the beach house," Lena smiled, thanking God in her head that it was time for them to go.

"Well, I'll be at the resort having a nice swim and a couple drinks, Kara, it was very nice to meet you, and I hope we bump into each other again," Lily smiled

"Nice to meet you too Lily, " Kara said

Kara gave a small wave to Lily and walked out, helping the woman with their luggage, even though the woman insisted she could do it.

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