You guys are heroes

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Capítulo 2: You guys are heroes

Lydia and Percy opened their eyes and discovered that they were inside the game because in front of them was the Niceland apartment building.

"Cosmos!" said the two friends at the same time.

"We'd better introduce ourselves," said Lydia, after the surprise and together with Percy, they went to the main entrance, which was closed.

"Excuse me, could I have your attention, please?" Lydia asked after ringing the doorbell of the building and knocking on the door a couple of times politely.

"Don't pretend you're not there, we know you're there!" Percy shouted, knocking hard on the door.

"Percy, don't do that! Excuse my friend, we just want to talk to you," said Lydia.

Inside the building, chaos was rife in the penthouse.

"And now what do we do, Felix!"

"How did those players get into the game!"

"You have to do something, Felix!"

"Please calm down," said Felix, trying to get the place in order, but the nicelanders were still scared.

In front of the building Percy was getting impatient.

"I'm tired of this!" Percy complained and turned into a cat, then started flying and extended his tail to take Lydia with him.

Inside the building there was still chaos.

"We can't stay locked up forever," Felix told the nicelanders.

"We can try!" One of the nicelanders insisted, when suddenly they saw a black cat standing in front of his window, apparently flying and carrying the strange girl on its coiled tail.

"Please, we just want to talk to you," Lydia asked, but then everyone in the room started screaming and running around.

"We better go down Percy, I think we've made things worse," lamented Lydia and the two friends returned to the ground.

The two friends waited in front of the building for a long time, when they thought no one would come to open the door they heard someone unlock the door.

"He... hello..." Seemed to say someone behind the door, which was ajar and locked with the little chain of entry.

"Good evening sir, we didn't mean to disturb you and the others. I promise you that my intentions and those of my friend are not bad," Lydia explained.

The door closed again and Lydia sighed with pity, however, it seemed that the door closed for whoever was behind, removed the chain from the door lock and could open this one.

"Good... These are the nicelanders and my name is Felix Junior." Felix introduced himself nervously.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Felix, Mr. Nicelanders," replied Lydia bowing, as did Percy, who did not want the tiny individuals to run in fear again.

"And what brings you here?" asked Felix nervously, but not as much as before.

"When I saw that you had a life of your own... I couldn't suppress my desire to come and talk to you," said Lydia.

"I see, well, I think it's best if you go with your friend, we'll talk more calmly in the penthouse of the building," suggested Felix and the two friends entered the building.

Lydia Deetz and Wreck it Ralph (completed 9/9)Where stories live. Discover now