She's his wife

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Capítulo 3: She's his wife

Upon reaching the little street, the kids saw Q*Bert who was talking to Coily, Ugg, Slick and Sam, who were the bad guys in the Q*Bert game.

Felix and Ralph, called their friends and introduced them to the children. Lydia was delighted to meet such ancient and emblematic arcade characters, but unfortunately, Q*Bert and the others spoke only "Q*Bertese".

"Unbelievable, I never believed that words could materialize into dialogue balloons," admitted Lydia, looking closely at the strange characters on Q*Bert.

Lydia and Percy introduced themselves to the strange characters and they responded in their very strange language.

"# =)@(&$!" said Q*Bert who looked happy.

"Eh?" Lydia got confused, "Excuse me..."

"Don't worry guys, I can translate what Q*Bert says," Felix offered.

"No need Felix, Q*Bert said he was pleased to meet us both," Percy translated, and everyone looked at him in amazement.

"Can you understand what Q*Bert says?" Ralph asked in amazement.

"Yes, understanding the language of every intelligent being is a natural thing for cat boys," said Percy, inflating his chest with pride.

"Can you read the characters in the dialog box?" Wanted to know Lydia.

"Em, no. I can only understand when they talk, not read the characters," Percy explained.

"Still, it's wonderful," said Felix, "so I guess I don't need to be a translator anymore."

"#@%#)%" Said Q*Bert and Felix blushed, causing Lydia to be surprised.

"Q*Bert said he was relieved because Felix was talking to him as if he was talking to a little boy," Percy translated.

Felix apologized in his own language, but Q*Bert understood the gesture and made the same happy face as his other friends.

Q*Bert and his friends had a friendly conversation with the newcomers and the main characters of the game, when Percy raised his arms and...

"Look Lydia, I caught Coily's dialogue balloon!" Percy exclaimed happily, making Coily and the others look at him impressed by holding the intangible.

"How did you do that?" Lydia asked impressed.

"I don't know, first time," Percy said happily and returned the dialogue balloon to his owner.

Percy who wanted to experiment, took one of the characters from Ugg's dialogue balloon and then squeezed it a little, making it disintegrate like the ashes of a charred paper.

"Sweet malapata," said Ralph apprehensive.

"I wonder what they taste like," Percy muttered, and at lightning speed he grabbed two characters, each belonging to Slick and Sam.

"Percy don't do that," Lydia advised him, but his friend already put the characters in his mouth and tasted them.

"Nyaeww, they taste awful, just like cigarette ashes" the cat boy spat a disgusted face and tried to wipe his tongue.

"Percy, what a fool" Lydia sighed, shaking her head but smiling at the same time.

Lydia apologized to her new friends for Percy's behavior, but they told her in their strange language that there was nothing to worry about. The latter had to be translated by Felix as Percy was too busy cleaning his tongue.

Lydia Deetz and Wreck it Ralph (completed 9/9)Where stories live. Discover now