Loving you must

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Capítulo 9: Loving you must

The army that came from Rampage was taken by surprise, but was confident that their tanks and helicopters would give them the advantage. However, a strong explosion exploded right in the middle of the war machines. It was Calhoun and her men.

"Come on, ladies, let's show these newcomers what a real army is!" the sergeant harangued them.

The enemy army suddenly found itself at a disadvantage, had accommodated its forces to the center of the VCS in order to facilitate the invasion of the other games, and were now surrounded on all sides.

All the players attacked and it didn't take long for them to win.

The scientists at Hero's Duty repaired the headquarters and opened the entrances to the games. The surge protectors had lost their memory of the last 24 hours and did not remember anything that had happened, nor did they remember when the enemy had access to their memory the day they destroyed the central office, nor did they know who was behind the plot.

"I've never seen anything like this before in my life," Ralph said. I think we will now say "Rampage" when all the players in a game try to become turbo."

"Corporal, take charge until I return!" Calhoun ordered one of her men and headed for Rampage's game.

"Wait Calhoun, I'll go with you to find Felix," Ralph offered, and he wasn't the only one, since neither Lancelot, Madmartigan, nor Ken appeared.

In the end: Arturo, Merlin, Percheval, Willow, Ryu, Chun Li, Cammy, Zangief, Mishaela, Q*Bert and their friends decided to accompany the duo.

"I want to go too!" Percy and Vanellope shouted, but Calhoun forbade them to go to the game with a look that made them both freak out.

"Take care," Lydia asked and the players entered Rampage.

Inside the game they saw that the army they defeated at the central station was only a third of the total, fortunately, they were not discovered because the soldiers were busy dismantling all the tanks and helicopters among others that were there.

"What's the plan now, Sergeant Calhoun?" Zangief asked with his characteristic Russian accent.

"This is the plan: I'll go to those guys and kick their asses until they tell me where my husband is," the woman snarled without taking her eyes off the soldiers across the street.

"I'm fine with that," said Ralph.

"So do I," Ryu said with a serious expression.

"I don't think it's the right thing to do," said Merlin, "it's a large army and we're so few."

"Merlin is right, we need a plan," said Willow.

"I offer myself to distract the vandals, while you look for our brothers in arms," Arthur offered himself in a noble way.

"No, we have to plan something better," interrupted Calhoun, who cursed herself for losing control, after all she was the commander of a whole battalion of soldiers. "Q*Bert, you and your friends are very quick, you will go to investigate first to find Felix and the others, you must not make yourself seen."

Q*Bert replied and together with his friends went out to look for Felix and the other missing players.

Calhoun feared that the soldiers would notice that none of their comrades were returning from the central station, or that they would send someone there, and fortunately Q*Bert and his friends returned quickly.

Lydia Deetz and Wreck it Ralph (completed 9/9)Where stories live. Discover now