This army

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Capítulo 8: This army

Lydia and Percy were inside the diet-cola volcano accompanied by Vanellope who guided their friends along with Sticky Wipplesnit.

"This place is unbelievable, too bad the mint pills are no longer on the boiling cola," Lydia lamented when she saw the mountain opening in the shape of a soda.

"As a colored player, I didn't abuse you, Vanellope, but I still feel very ashamed that I didn't help you... Please forgive me."

"Don't make that sad face, Sticky, besides, everyone (including you) asked me for forgiveness and I made peace with everyone."

"It rains in Sugar Rush? Because if it rains on the cola," Percy said, looking at the boiling cola apprehensively.

"Is the kitten afraid to get her coat wet?" Vanellope said mockingly.

"Don't worry, Percy, there's no rain anywhere in Sugar Rush," Sticky reassured him, "it just snows in the snowy area, and it's still not real snow, but sprinkled sugar."

"Wow, at first I thought being at Sugar Rush would be like a dream, but now I think I'll get cavities just by breathing in here," said Percy, who was holding his tail nervously and starting to play with it.

"Don't exaggerate, Percy, no character in the games has a cavity," Vanellope told him.

"But Ralph's mouth stinks a lot," Percy said.

"Well, not anymore," Lydia corrected him.

"Hey, yeah, thanks for the idea of the mints, I mean, Ralph is my best friend, but something needed to be done with that deadly breath," Vanellope thanked her.

"Is it true what I heard from Vanellope that three women from Bad-anon are interested in him?" Sticky asked.

"Yes, there are three women, one is Mishaela, and the other two come from the game Street Fighter and are Chun Li along with Cammy White," said Lydia.

"Now, you're fast, Vanellope," Percy mocked, because of how quickly she was his friend with the gossip.

"If you keep mocking me, I won't tell you what I heard about the two newcomer games, yes, I mean the ones Lydia likes so much," said Vanellope in a perverse tone, the same one she used when she joked about having the Sugar Rush runners executed.

"What did you hear, Vanellope?" Sticky asked ahead of time.

"Lancelot, Madmartigan and Ken Masters have been missing their games. Well, in the case of Street Fighter, there is no problem since there are many fighters to choose from, however, in Knights of the round, there are only three players to choose from, and in Willow the thing is worse because there are only two characters to play."

Lydia was worried, but Vanellope reassured her.

"Don't worry, Lydia. Arturo, Percheval and Willow are very popular and no one will complain to Litwack."

Back at the Video Central Station, Ralph told Lydia that he had spoken with Arturo and Willow, and that both told him that both Lancelot and Madmartigan had returned to their games.

"Just one thing, it seems they're both acting strange," Ralph said.

"What do you mean?" Lydia asked.

"They didn't explain it very clearly, but they seem to act differently than they usually do," Ralph replied.

"Do you think the same thing happens to Ken?" Lydia asked, but Ralph only raised his shoulders.

Lydia Deetz and Wreck it Ralph (completed 9/9)Where stories live. Discover now