Sugar Rush

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Capítulo 5: Sugar Rush

The party that Ralph, Felix and the Nicelanders had prepared was joined by Calhoun, his men and Sugar Rush's president, Vanellope von Schweetz.

"Come on, princess, I'll introduce you to Lydia and Percy," said Ralph, and together with the girl they approached the two of them.

"Candied marshmallows! I had never seen anyone with such white skin and I thought that Adorabeezle's skin and mine were very white," said Vanellope, impressed with Lydia's skin.

"She also has darker hair than you, princess, and it's not dirty," Ralph mocked, referring to the sweets Vanellope always wore in her hair.

"Look who's talking, you should at least take a bath after falling into the mud every day," said Vanellope with a frown, but Ralph didn't bother.

"A pleasure to meet you, President Von Schweetz." Lydia bowed to her.

"Oh, please, just call me Vanellope, not president, not princess," Vanellope said referring to Ralph.

"Call me by name too," said Lydia.

"You've got a lovely face, you're much prettier than Sticky," Vanellope flattered her, as she stood on her toes to get a better look at Lydia's perfect face.

"Hi Vanellope, my name is Percy!" Suddenly the cat boy let him go as he happily wagged his tail and ears.

"Wow, Glad to see you, I've never seen anyone with cat's ears and tail," Vanellope said, looking closely at Percy's tail and ears.

"I'm sure they didn't know anyone that small either," Ralph laughed and Vanellope started joking to annoy him, too.

"You heard Lydia, even though she's a child, I've never heard anyone so young with such an expectant voice, like an old lady," Percy said to Lydia without any disguise.

"What did you say, Percy?" Vanellope asked with a frown.

"Percy!" Lydia scolded him.

"Listen kitty, we can't all have the beautiful voice of your friend Lydia," said Vanellope, putting her arms in a jar.

"Forgive Percy, sometimes he says things without thinking," Lydia apologized for the cat boy.

Vanellope accepted Lydia and Percy's apologies and the party continued without any major mishaps, although they had to move it to the street because of the large turnout. Calhoun's men asked the celebrates to recount their adventures against Beetlejuice with what the boys accepted and all gathered in a fan-like fashion in front of them so they could hear the two friends' adventures in the real world.



"The adventures you had with Percy were great," Vanellope said.

"Well, yours and Ralph are not far behind," said Lydia.

"How about Lydia, if you and Percy visit me at Sugar Rush," Vanellope suggested.

"I don't know, Calhoun told us that it wouldn't be safe to go to other games except Tapper's and Burger time."

"Oh, don't mind the sergeant who's always dramatizing."

"The surge protector also told us the same thing."

"But he doesn't even know where he's standing, let's go, Lydia!"

Lydia Deetz and Wreck it Ralph (completed 9/9)Where stories live. Discover now