The Central Station Video

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Capítulo 4: The Central Station Video

The next morning, after a happy rest, Felix woke the boys up again and they followed him to Ralph's house. There they bid farewell to their friends who were quick to take their places for the new game that was about to begin.

Lydia and Percy watched as Felix was controlled by the player (who was a blonde girl with glasses) and then the other characters from the old Q*Bert game joined in. Game after game, they watched Ralph and Coily and Company lose to the skills of Felix and Q*Bert, but once witnessed the heroes lose to the poor control performance of a player who was sure to be a rookie.

"Lydia, I'm already bored, how about we take the strollers and go to the famous and so far unknown Video Central Station," said Percy as he yawned.

"Okay, but let's get back before the arcade closes or Felix and Ralph worry about our absence."

The two boys took the strollers, got out of the game and arrived at the entrance of the Video Central Station.

"Look Lydia, this place doesn't look as nice as I'd hoped it would," Percy said, frowning and looking everywhere, especially at the dirty walls.

"It's true, it looks like an underground train station in New York, everything is full of graffiti," said Lydia, who was also frowning.

"If we go through that arch we will enter the VCS," said Percy, and then the boys holding hands walked forward.

"Aerith lives....How strange", Lydia thought when she saw the graffiti, but soon her attention was focused on the open, clean space in front of her.

The boys were walking through the entrance arch, when they suddenly felt as if they were passing through a red network of energy, while a loud alarm sounded.

Lydia and Percy raised their heads in fear and looked everywhere to see where the ugly sound came from, when suddenly they heard the voice of a man in front of them.

"Your names please."

In front of the boys was the strangest character they had ever seen including Q*Bert and his friends: he was a bluish man who seemed to be made of pure energy, was translucent and had the appearance of a fifty-year-old public employee and bald, well, there was an electric current circuit that simulated something that looked like hair.

"Your names please," the man who was carrying a notebook asked again.

"Emm, my friend's name is Percy, and my name is Deetz Lydia."

"What game you come from," said the man in a boring tone, as if he had asked the same question a million times, and he kept looking up from his notes.

"Repair it, Felix junior," said Lydia immediately so as not to disturb the strange individual.

"Something to declare," asked the man with a monotone voice and a bored expression.

"Are you the surge protector?" Percy asked, making the man leave his notes and adjusting his glasses, he looked carefully at the young pair.

"You're not from the game repair it, Felix junior. What game are you from?"

"We're not from any game, sir, we're players from the real world," Lydia explained apprehensively.

"That's impossible, please tell me what game you're from."

"We already told you sir, we didn't come from any game," Lydia tried to explain it over and over again, but the surge protector still insisted that they tell him the name of the game they came from.

Lydia Deetz and Wreck it Ralph (completed 9/9)Where stories live. Discover now