Chapter 2

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The sound of my phone wakes me from my nap.


"Hey Kimba, looks like I won't be back till morning. I'm working a double." She sounds disappointed.

"Oh, ok."

"There's not much food there, I have haven't done the shopping. Thought I'd warn you."

"When is your break? The hospital isn't too far what if I come join in the canteen? We can catch up on your night so far."

"That would be great" she can't hide the excitement in her voice. "My break is in two hours. Can't wait but gotta go."

"Alright see ya Nic."


"Whoa babe you look exhausted." I say sitting across from her.

"Cheers babe."

"Are you sure you'll survive the night?"

"I have to. What will they think of me if I can't cut it on my first day."

"Good point. So tell me about your time so far, specifically that incident earlier." I thought it was unimportant but I like my gossip as much as the next girl. "Is it true? Is it really Cheryl Cole in there?" I ask a little too excitedly.

"Shh, keep it down would you! I shouldn't be telling but yes it is."

"Is she still cranky and bitchy like before?"

"I wouldn't know Kimba, she's in a coma. Before you ask I don't know about the others either, they left shortly after you did. I don't care either way what they're like now, I've had enough of them in the past."

"Oh..." is all I can say.

"I guess it's a reflection of how she treats people. Her family and friends have been called but no one has bothered to show up. Her two so-called best mates even left her. At times like these you see who your real friends are and I guess she has none."

"You don't feel the least bit sorry for her? That is a bit harsh don't ya think, I can't imagine anyone going through this alone."

"No I don't. If you want anymore gossip it won't come from me, I've been moved to a different floor for the rest of the night."

We eat the remainder of our meal in silence. I find myself suddenly softening knowing Cheryl is so alone.

"Shit!" Nicola says looking at her watch, "I'm five minutes late. I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow." She says hurrying from the table.

Back in Bradford the hospital usually allows one overnight visitor. I'm hoping the policy is the same here. With minimal difficulty I manage to find my way back to where I was earlier in the day. "No one deserves to be alone." I say to myself as I make my way into Cheryl's room.

Aside from the head wrap and superficial scratches on her face she looks so peaceful almost angelic. If only that were true about her. I sit down in the chair at her bedside. What will I do or say if she wakes up and asks who the hell I am.

I worry for nothing, she doesn't wake that night or any other night for the next week I come to sit at her side.

That week Nicola worked almost constantly so I had developed a nightly routine. Some nights I would eat in the canteen with Nic so we could spend some time together other nights I ate alone but all the nights ended the same with me in Cheryl's room. Throughout the week I took things a bit further and would occasionally hold her hand willing her to wake up. I'd always make sure to wake the next morning early enough to beat Nicola home. Knowing Nic's feelings towards her I felt I had to hide my activities.

In my week of secret visitation I never once encountered a family member or friend. The press did report that the other members of Bella visited frequently, although I knew differently. I was the only one who cared.

My last night visiting before I go back to Bradford and I can't spend the whole night as I know Nicola is working this floor. I sit in the chair and hold her hand as I usually do.

"I guess this is it Cheryl. The doctor says you could wake any day now. When you wake up you'll go back to you're glamorous life and never know me, the stranger with you through it all. No one deserves to be alone so I'm happy to have been here. Goodbye." I lean in placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

I feel her hand move slightly. I would have jumped for joy if the doctor had not informed me that they were involuntary movements. It moves a little longer than usual but I don't think much of it as I release her hand and walk towards the door.

"Strawberries." I hear her choke out.

I spin around in shock.

"Strawberries." she repeats again. She looks at me in total shock probably wondering who this strange woman is that just kissed her. We stare at each other, I break eye contact when Nicola walks in.

"Kimberley? What are you doing in here?"

"She's awake!"

"Stay with her I'll get the doctor."

I look back to the bed and realize her gaze has never left me. I approach the bed and see she's smiling.

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