Chapter 11

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Relief is what I feel plain and simple. Nic subtly acknowledged that she remembers my I don't think I'm exactly straight confession and isn't put off by me in the slightest. It's all so freeing. Now I can figure out my whatever this is with Cheryl while not keeping secrets from Nicola.

I went to bed with a huge weight lifted from my shoulders and awoke with only a slight consequence. Having rested well, maybe a little too well I'm running late getting to the hospital. I'm to see my favorite kid, Sam, today first thing.

Surprisingly as I sprint down the corridor towards his room, I'm only about 10 minutes behind time. Even more surprising, shocking, or whatever else means un-freaking-believable is what or rather who I see in Sam's room. It's Cheryl, so I linger in the doorway as not to interrupt. I hold my breath; right before my eyes Cheryl holds Sam's hand as she quietly sings his favorite song.

"Wow, Ms. Cheryl, you sing so pretty." Sam says, voice coarse from a recent sleep. "Maybe one day you'll be a famous singer and when I get outta here I want to come see you."

Having lost much faith in Cheryl I'm expecting her to go from gentle to diva in time flat at the idea of not being recognized but sometimes people do surprise you.

"Thank you, Sam. Maybe someday but right now I'm happy here with you."

"Really but what if you were singing to bunches of people, that would be amazing."

"You're right it could be amazing..." she pause slightly, "but someone really special to me is starting to teach me, maybe without her realizing it, that making at least one other person genuinely happy or feel better can make me happy too. I've never done this before but it feels good. Besides why wouldn't I want to spend time with a handsome little lad like you?"

"Thank you Ms. Cheryl, this morning has been amazing and tell your special friend thank you for me too."

"You just did, come on in Kimberley."

"You're wel...welcome." I stutter a bit embarrassed at being caught.

"How did you know I was here?"


We spend another half hour reading to Sam before he is claimed by sleep once again. With no more distraction there is a notable shift from good to awkward.

"Did you mean it?" Is the first thing to slip from my lips to fill the silence. "Am I special to you?"

"Yeah... yes you are very special." she replies so shyly, I hardly believe it's the same Cheryl from a day ago, "Kimberley, I meant every word", her eyes don't quite find mine as she continues, "see the thing is uh well I like..."

"There you are Kimba; someone said they saw this way. "Oh hey Cheryl, I didn't expect to see you here" damn Nicola and her timing. "I was going to see if you wanted to grab a bite but it looks like you're busy. So um yeah, you guys continue your thing or whatever is happening and I can totally shut up now and go eat alone."

"No, no Nicola, it's fine. I completely forgot that I have this work thing, yeah a thing so I should get going" Cheryl rambles as she grabs her bag and heads for the door. "Enjoy lunch and I'll see you later Kimba...uh I mean Kimberley."

And just like that she's gone. "shit."

"I'm so sorry. There was moment going on and here I come bursting talking about food. Talk about a mood killer."

"It's ok, really."

When begin down the corridor, "So, as you're best friend I deserve the juicy details." she says with a smirk and a wink.

"There are no juicy details, Sam was in there for god sake."

"He was asleep right? So there was definitely opportunity, just saying. I mean she's bitchy but hot and you're hot, I can see the headline now 'Steamy Love Affair Begins At Bedside'. " Nicola is beside herself with giggles at this point.

"Gross, Nic! You're lucky I love you or I'd think you're quite disturbed."

"I probably am a bit."

As the giggles subside I can't help but wonder what Cheryl was trying to say. The rational part of me knows she could have said she likes just about anything. The hopeful side wishes it was I like you. My guess is the free-falling for Cheryl Cole is not what Nicola meant by being careful.

The End

(This has not been completed by the writer)

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