Chapter 4

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"Yeah Kimba look, Cheryl Cole is in our house!" my sister goes on excitedly.

Cheryl remains rooted to the spot as am I.

"C'mon dear lets leave them alone for a bit." I hadn't even noticed my mum until she spoke. "It was lovely to meet you." mum smiles warmly as she passes Cheryl.

"You too, Mrs. Walsh."

Mum and sis disappear into the kitchen. Once they're out of sight she steps closer.

"Hi." she says shyly, opening her arms for a hug.

"Hey." I say equally as shy as I step into her embrace. I hear and feel her inhale deeply, I think she just...

"Sorry..." she says blushing as she steps back, " I like the smell of you."

"Its ok, glad someone appreciates my hygiene." I know its far from funny but she's kind enough to laugh anyway.

"I've missed you." she says suddenly.

"Cheryl, sweetie..." thank goodness for my mum's bad timing allowing me to think of a response. "Would you like a cuppa?" She asks stepping back into the room.

"No thank you."

"If you change your mind let me know." She leaves again.

"Follow me." I tell Cheryl. I know it's not the last time mum would be interrupting, she's nosy like that. I know that my brother is in the living room so I lead her up to my bedroom.

My room is nothing special, quaint actually, I know its far less than what she's use to. My family's finances cause me to live minimally. A single bed off to the side, my desk and chair, a small bookshelf and not much else make up my room.

I sit on the side of the bed, she sits in my chair turning to face me.

"How did you find me Cheryl?" I ask curiously.

"You make it sound like you were hiding from me."

"I wasn't, so I suppose the better question is why are you here?"

"I told you already, I miss you."

"How could you? You don't..."

"Know you, we've been through this before I want to know you so here I am. I always get what I want." She says smugly.

"And don't we all know it, you are Queen Cole after all." I meant it sarcastically but it comes out meaner than intended.

"For someone who claims not to know me you sure are bitter." the hurt evident in her voice, "If I've done something to upset you then I am very sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have come here."

"No, wait." I put my hand on her arm, stopping her from standing up. "I'm sorry, please stay. Can we start over?"

Her frown quickly turns to a dimpled grim, "I'd like that very much."

"Kimberley?" I hear followed by a knock at the door.

"Come in mum." I say a bit annoyed by yet another interruption.

"Cheryl, will you be staying to join us for lunch?"

"No Mrs. Walsh, but thank you."

"Call me Diane, dear."

"Well actually Diane, I was hoping to take Kim out for a thank you lunch."

"Really?" I ask in a surprised high pitched squeak.

Cheryl turns from mum to look at me again, "Yes, a little something in return for everything you've done for me, please." I nod in agreement. "C'mon then." she stands grabbing my hands and pulling me up with her. All the while mum stands by the door with a confused expression.

Cheryl releases my hands and walks past mum first, "See you later, Diane."

There's going to be a later? I think to myself. I give mum a hug and kiss on the cheek, "I'll explain everything." I say as I release her.

Once outside of my house Cheryl looks at me shyly, "Erm...Kimberley this lunch thing was a last minute decision, I don't actually know where anything is around here."

"Oh, no problem. There's a coffee shop not too far from here just around the corner actually. It's a five minute walk."

Her eyes go wide once I mention the word walk.

"Walk?" She questions seemingly offended that I mentioned such a thing. "I'm Cheryl Cole or have you forgotten, I can barely go from my front door to my car without being hounded. You seriously expect me to walk somewhere?" I had a feeling her inner diva would rear its ugly head but not over something as simple as a short walk.

"Look around you..." I say trying hard to control my utter annoyance, "Do you see anybody hounding you the almighty Cheryl Cole? No! You made it this far unscathed."

"I'm sorry. I'm not used to this, the normality of it all. Lets walk." Her tone seems apologetic.

"Ok, shall we?" I say beginning to walk in the right direction.

Along the way we happen upon a student who seems to have lost a bout with clumsiness. His books and papers lay scattered on the ground and he is in the midst of gathering them. I kneel down helping him while Cheryl looks on seemingly astonished. After we're finished we stand and he gives me smile of appreciation before continuing on his way.

"What did you do that for?"

"Do what?"

"Help him."

"It's called being nice and seemed like the right thing to do."

"In return for being nice you get a smile and not even a thank you."

"Sometimes simple gestures say more than words, Cheryl."

"I'm just saying you don't have to be that way all the time, there's no point."

"So I guess I shouldn't have been nice and never stayed by your side then, right?"

Those were the last words as we reached the little shop got in the queue.

"What's the hold up?" Cheryl whispers the complaint to me as she does a not so subtle nod towards the woman rummaging through her purse in front of us.

"I'm so sorry." She looks, having apparently heard Cheryl. She's temporarily taken aback upon seeing who the voice came from before she babbles her reason, "I usually check before I leave home but I was in a rush today, dammit I could have sworn it was in here." she dives back into her purse, "Where the hell is my wallet?" She says increasingly frustrated.

Cheryl simply shrugs her shoulders as if she's in no position to assist the distressed woman. I roll my eyes at Cheryl as I reach into my pocket pulling out a fiver.

"Here ya go miss, it's not much but I hope it helps." I say with the money outstretched to the woman.

She looks up, "What? No. I can't..."

"Its no problem, really." I assure her, " I insist."

She slowly takes the money, shaking my hand in the process, "Oh my god, thank you so much." She smiles and I return one matching hers.

"Are you trying for sainthood Kim?" Cheryl asks after she pays for our stuff and we sit.

"No." Although I think I should be granted sainthood for putting up with Cheryl so far. " I just like to help people when I am able. I've always felt compelled to help everybody."

"So you'd even help me again?" she asks shyly in stark contrast to her sarcastic tone moments earlier.

"Sure, if you needed it why not."

"Come back to London with me then." she holds me under an intense gaze.

"What?" Surprise is written all over my face.

"Help me. Please come to London."

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