Chapter 5

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"Go to London?" I ask as if I misheard her. She nods her head expectantly. "I'm sorry Cheryl, I can't. My life as simple as it may be is here and what about my family?"

"Don't freak out, I'm not asking you to move and leave everything behind."

"How long then?"

"I don't know." She takes hold of my hand resting on the table. "Look Kimberley, I just really need a friend right now. No one has ever been as kind to me as you have been with no questions asked and without expecting anything in return."

"I'm sorry, Cheryl. I would but this is too big for me."

"Its ok. I understand." She says stroking my hand with her thumb.

Silence lingers as we each barely eat our food with our free hands, surprisingly she still has the other held in her grasp.

"So..." She begins, I look up from my food to look at her. Her expression is unreadable, "this is what rejection feels like then?" she lets out a slight chuckle, "I'm so stupid, how could I put myself in this situation." she says withdrawing her hand from mine.

"Oh right, of course." I say catching on to the meaning of her last statement. She lifts an eyebrow questioningly at me, "Cheryl Cole doesn't get rejected, does she?"

"No, I don't" she says firmly. "At least not until now."

Just like the flick of a switch she's back to her uptight celebrity persona. I wonder if she even knows who the real Cheryl is anymore.

(Cheryl's POV)

There's just something about this girl, I can't quite put my finger on it but I'm now more determined to get to London with me.

"You know, Kimba..."

"Kimberley will do, thank you." she quickly corrects.

"As I was saying, you should consider yourself lucky."

"Really? Do tell." she says laced with sarcasm and feigned interest.

"Yes you should. If anyone else had treated me like you have today I would be long gone by now."

"Then they would certainly be the lucky ones not me."

"Dammit Kimberley, you're so frustrating. Nobody has had the nerve to talk to me like this in years."

"Talk to you like what? A normal person? To me that's exactly what you are, just Cheryl not some untouchable superstar to be idolized." She looks away nervously, "well at least not anymore." The last part is almost an inaudible whisper.

I'll be sure to ask what she meant when my head stops pounding. The pain is sudden. I close my eyes bring my hands up to either side of my head massaging my temples with my fingertips. I suffer from infrequent but painful headaches since my accident, the doctor says in they should stop in the coming weeks but for now all I can is pray this one subsides quickly.

"Cheryl. Cheryl?" I hear Kimberley's panicked voice, "Whats wrong? Are you alright? I can only open my tear filled eyes and shake my head and its the only answer she needs. "Lets go."

The fresh air from the brief walk back to her house seems to have lessened the pain slightly. I can't really call it a walk on my part though. She had one arm securely around my waist as I leaned into her, she practically carried me back considering the little effort I put forth.

"I'll get you a glass of water and some pain killers." she says after taking me to sit on the couch.

She returns a few minutes later followed by her mum.

"Thank you." I say as I take the water and pills off Kimberley.

"Are you going to be alright or should we call someone?" Diane asks.

"I'll be fine, just got to get these down then I should be ok to find a hotel and sleep through the rest of this."

"Nonsense dear. You're in no condition to go anywhere, you could just stay here." If Kimberley is a saint I should have known her mum must be one as well.

"We don't have a guest bedroom but you're welcome to mine Cheryl, to sleep it off." Kimberley offers with a sympathetic pout.

Its not exactly the Mayfair but my options are truly limited, I feel like sh!t and and can't be bothered to drive anywhere else. "Thank you." I flash a weak but appreciative smile.

"If you need anything I'll just be downstairs." She says after leading me up to her room.

Earlier in the day after receiving a Kimberley hug I had concluded that they are the best thing ever. Before she has the chance to turn around and leave I fling my arms around her neck inviting no more like forcing her into a hug.

She breaks the hug and leaves an unexpected kiss on my cheek then smiles. She leans in placing the most caring and gentlest of kisses on my forehead. "Rest well." she says before leaving.

I lay down on the bed. My senses are immediately immersed in her scent, strawberry. I lightly rub my cheek where her lips had previously touched almost in disbelief that I had felt them there. Thinking about it, the pain now a second thought, I smile a genuine face engulfing smile. Rest well I shall indeed.

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