Chapter 7

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I don't know how long I was outside but I must have dozed off. The next thing I know I'm started awake by the closing of the back door.

"Sorry, didn't know you were out here." Kimberley's voice cuts through the calm night.

I'm glad to be facing away from her as I ensure there are no traces of my tears. "No problem Kimba..." I smile at small victory of her not objecting to me calling her that, "it's your house, you can go where you please."

"I thought you had left by now when I didn't see you anywhere inside. Figured you'd be off doing whatever you famous people do."

"I wouldn't up and leave after such hospitality from you and your family."

"You're welcome." she says as she sits on the other lounger, "I assume that's your way of saying thank you."

I sit up on my lounger in order to face her, "No, this is, thank you so much Kimba." We're sat so close our knees are almost touching but she is doing a good job of looking anywhere else but at me. I take a deep breath before reaching out to cup her cheek forcing her to look me in the eye. "Thank you." I repeat hoping she can see my sincerity. She smiles and nods.

I smile before dropping my hand back into my lap.

"About London..."she starts.

"No, wait me first, please." she nods her approval. "I don't want you to come anymore. I should have never expected you to. I don't deserve someone like you in my life."

"Don't deserve me? What are you on about?"

"I'm so sorry. I swear to you Kimberley, I don't remember meeting you or your friend." I see the shock in her eyes as she realizes I overheard. "I didn't mean to listen but if I didn't I would never have know what a dickhead I've been." While I have her attention and she's not yelling at me yet, I decide to continue on with the the apologies. " I can't believe I ever said shit like that and I'm sorry. You're friend, Nicola the nurse, she's absolutely stunning it baffles me that I said otherwise."

After my babbling apologies there's more silence between us. Kimberley doesn't look angry but contemplative.

"I need to make it up to her and to you." I finally say. "Maybe I can get her a card or something." is my brilliant idea.

"A card, Cheryl? Seriously?"

"Why not?"

"I don't think I've ever seen a 'Sorry I called you ugly' card." We both giggle.

"So the scratch the card idea but what can I do to make it up to you?"

"Nothing. I thought I'd be bitter but an apology is enough."

I don't know if its the appropriate time but I feel long overdue for a Kimberley hug. I think she knew it was coming because her arms open to catch me as fling myself around her neck.

We go back inside to enjoy a lovely meal prepared by Diane. I can't help but mentally kick myself for not asking Kimberley to finish what she was going to say about London. Was she going to agree to come before I opened my big mouth? Never once throughout the night did I find the right opportunity to bring it up.

I end up staying the night in the Walsh house. More specifically in Kimberley's bed while she sleeps in with her sister.

The next morning I eat the breakfast that Diane has prepared for my departure. Everybody accounted for except Kimberley who is noticeably absent.

After eating I say my goodbyes to her darling little sister. I pose with her brother for a few pics so he can prove to his mates that I was actually here. I say goodbye to Diane but still no sign of Kimberley.

"Maybe she's still in my room." her sister suggests.

I go into the room hoping to find her but nothing. I don't know what I was expecting when we said goodbye but knowing I won't get the chance has left me feeling disappointed.

I'm halfway to my car when I hear her, "Cheryl, wait!" I stop walking and turn around to see a flustered Kimberley catching up to me. "About London Cheryl, you forgot something." I raise a questioning eyebrow, "Me." she says breaking into a smile.

I look over her shoulder seeing her brother approach with two of her bags. I recognize the bags from the previous night although they were empty when I saw them. Then it hits me, during breakfast she must have been packing and when I went to look for her in her sister's room.

"Did you really not want me to come?"

"Huh? What?" I'm snapped from my train of thought. "Of course I want come" I add the last part hastily and I'm suddenly very aware of the double meaning of that answer as I look into her eyes.

First the dream about her lips being other places than just my cheek and forehead. Now dirty thoughts from a simple question. What is this girl doing to me?

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