Chapter 6

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I awake momentarily confused until I remember I'm in Kimberley's bed. I check the time on my phone, its not late just early evening. I make my way downstairs.

"Kimba?" I correct myself, "Kimberley?" I call out as I approach the living room.

No Kimberley in here just a wide-eyed teen boy who I assume is her younger brother. His mum and sis might be saints but this one sure isn't, I can tell by the look on his face. I've seen that look a thousand times over on the faces of the lads that come to my gigs claiming they're there just for the music. I only need one guess to know what's running through his mind.

I flash a smile and leave the starstruck boy on the couch as I make my way to the kitchen. I stop just outside the door as I hear the voices coming from within.

"But mum,I'm not going! She's so rude, self-centered and arrogant."

"She seemed quite lovely to me, Kimberley."

"Obviously you've never tried to hold a conversation with her."

"Listen to yourself, if she is all these things then why did you stay with her like you told me?"

I hear Kimberley let out a long sigh, "Honestly I don't know. I kept telling myself it's because no one should be alone through that but really I just felt drawn to her. Not in some weird way but I can't explain it, it felt like I was meant to be there."

"You ever consider it's one of the things where you're meant to be in each others lives somehow but don't realize it yet. One day you'll look back and it will all make sense."

"Ha! I highly doubt that mum. We're complete opposites, there is nothing destined or fated between us."

"Give the girl a chance, what are you holding against her?"

There's a brief silence, I turn to leave in fear of being caught.

"We've met before." I stop as I hear Kimberley's words. "At the gig Nicola and I lied about going to a few years back."

"Yeah I remember. I waited up all night angry at you both for not calling until you walked through the door looking totally devastated. You told me it was because of some boy."

"I lied twice that night. It was because of Cheryl. Mum, have you ever been through that phase when your idol seems to be your world and you put them on a pedestal above so many others?"

"Of course, loads of people go through that."

"Well thats what Cheryl was to me, she was my idol. Even though I'm older than her, I looked up to her. She came from nothing and went to being an icon. I hoped that's what my life could be, maybe not an icon but to come from so little and be successful."

"What happened Kimberley? So far you're singing her praises so I don't understand how she hurt you."

"Nic's friend at the gig got us backstage meet and greet passes. The whole group Sarah, Nadine and Cheryl were quite rude and unenthusiastic about meeting the fans. I put it down to being exhausted I didn't want to think anything could ruin my perfect image of her. Then leave it to me to forget my coat backstage. Nic and I went back to get and that's when we heard them having a laugh at our expense. They called us 'the chav and minger ginger'."

"That's terrible." Diane exclaims.

"I didn't care what they said about me, I know what I was l like back then, and chav is quite an accurate description. Nicola has always been sensitive about her looks, so when they hurt my best friend thats what hurt me. We turned to walk away..."

Even though I can't recall the night being retold by Kimberley, I can't help but feel ashamed.

"Then that's when we heard Cheryl, for the most part it had just been Sarah and Nadine talking shit, but then it all changed and I heard Cheryl. She said 'the chav isn't as bad as the ginger but I bet she gets her styling tips from her dad. Did her parents seriously let her walk out of the house dressed like that?' I had enough I was going to march in there and confront them but Nicola was the smart one that pulled me away and said they're not worth it."

"Oh sweetheart."

"Dammit mum, how could she say that? I felt utterly embarrassed."

I can't bear to hear anymore. Its official Cheryl Cole is an arse but I won't be admitting that to anybody anytime soon. I feel a wetness on my cheeks, tears. I finally leave from the door. I go out the back for some fresh air as a few more tears fall. I know I have my ways about me but I can't believe I ever treated Kimberley like that.

I am thankful thats it is a warm night and there are two loungers conveniently out here. I lay back in one closing my eyes as I lie beneath the night sky.

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