Chapter 9

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I pretty much stalk her by following her to Bradford, I more or less try to force her to be my friend and never once in all this did I think to actually get her number.

Its been two days too long. I haven't seen her face or heard her soothing voice and frankly I'm going a bit mad. So here I am once again knocking on Nicola's door.

"Kimberley, please if you're in there please open up." No answer. I wait a few minutes before trying again. "Kimba, I'm..." I don't know why I'm saying this but it always works in the movies, "I'm sorry, please open up." Not being one to beg too much, I wait a few more seconds before leaving.

(Kimberely's POV)

Two days ago she said she'd call. After hearing these words I lapsed back into my Cheryl obsessed phased. I waited half the night for that call. I'm proud of myself as it only took me until around midnight to snap back to reality and stop staring at my phone expectantly.

What am I doing here? That question has been whirling around my mind since coming to London.

Luckily my friend and savior, Nicola, was able to set me up with a volunteer opportunity at the hospital, reading to and spending time with some of the sick children. Other than the lack of money I feel fulfilled doing it rather than being suckered by Cheryl.

"Hey Nic!" I greet her as she sits with me in the canteen. Her breaks are the only significant amount of time we've spent together.

"Kimberley, you're still here?" She asks puzzled.

"Of course why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been here about as much as I have recently . Normally the volunteers deal with three maybe four of the children then eventually go home. I know you have a big heart but its really not necessary to be with all the kids in a couple of days."

"Honestly I don't mind. It makes me happy that I'm making the kids happy."

"Thats great and all. Do you remember when we talked a few days ago you said you had some things to take of in London."


"Shouldn't you be doing those things instead of being here?"

"Nic, it's not that simple." I sigh, "These things require the other person involved to be speaking to me which she's not so I'm here."

"Alright enough, I can't take it. Who and what are you being so secretive about?" She ask curiously. "Every time we talk about it its always some one or something. How about the name of your new mystery friend."

"..." I had purposely avoided Cheryl's name as I'm not sure how Nicola will respond yet.

"It's Cheryl!" her brow furrows slightly.

"What?! How'd you know?" I ask quickly and nervously.

"Huh? No it's Cheryl!" she repeats signaling me to look over my shoulder.

I turn in my seat and sure enough Cheryl is stood in the doorway, with flowers in each hand, looking for someone. Obviously its me when she breaks into a grin upon spotting me and heading over.

"Hi." she says reaching us.

"Hey." Nicola replies somewhat dismissively.

Something comes over me and I can't help but smile like an idiot at how cute she looks nervously clutching those flowers in her tiny fists. For a moment it seems like all she can do is match my smile before we remember that Nic is here as well.

"Sorry to interrupt." Cheryl says tearing her eyes away from to address Nic. "Erm..Nurse Roberts, these are for you." she hands Nicola some flowers.

"Thank you." Nic says a bit stunned.

"No, no thank you for everything you did for me while I was here. It meant the world to me." Nicola smiles widely.

"Kimba?" Cheryl focuses back on me. "Can we talk? Please? I have you I said if ..but I don't have your number." she babbles.

I notice Nicola looking perplexed by our exchange happening in front of her. "Would you look at the time, back to work." she says as she makes a swift exit from the awkwardness.

Cheryl takes Nic's seat across the table from me. "These are for you." she says handing the second handful of flowers to me.

"Thank you." I smile as I smell them. "Its not like we're dating. You know, a simple sorry would have been enough." Oh my I think I just made Cheryl Cole blush but I decide not to mention the rosy tinge to her cheeks.

"Listen Kimberley, I really am sorry. I brought you down here then flip a bitch switch the moment we disagree. I would have called to fix everything. I did go back to the house twice looking for you. Then it popped in my head that you might be here."

"Yep. I've been spending time with my busy little Nic but mostly volunteering."

"Volunteering?" she asks as if I'm suddenly speaking french.

"Yeah. Going around seeing the kids, reading to them and stuff like that."

"Are you like mildly famous and haven't told me?"

"What do you mean?" I ask annoyed because I can feel a Cheryl moment about to happen.

"You know like, what's so important about someone like you being with them? You're not like a celebrity that they've been wanting to meet so why is it important that you be there."

"You are un-fcuking-believable Cheryl!" I try my best to control my volume. "Are you really that far up your arse? Sometimes just being there for or with someone when they're sick or lonely is important. No matter how famous you are or aren't doesn't matter when being there can make another person happy."

(Cheryl's POV)

By the time her words sink in, she has snatched her things and is gone. I'm further realizing that I am an idiot. Now that I've well and truly angered her, I understand. I'm like one of those kids and Kimberley is that person to me. Kimberley makes me happy.

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