Chapter 6- Rev Squad

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A/N so I noticed that the rev. quad isn't in this much so I decided t do a chapter all about them just hanging out. Thank you for reading. You may continue your journey. Oh and i put music up there, when the Rev Squad first meets so yeah. 


Alex turned out to have 2broken ribs and a twisted ankled. I was relieved it wasn't much worse but I still feel bad for not being there and that he is even hurt. He tells me not to worry, but that doesn't stop me. 

His friends invited us to come over and hang out.  Alex jumps at the chance but, I start to worry because his friends don't know that we are together yet. But Alex seems happy so I don't want to bring him down. 


"Hey Herc, I know, I've been busy." 
He notices me standing next to him. 
"Alex, what is Jeffers*** doing here? " 

I remembered that I wasn't the best person to Herc in High school. I don't even remember why, but Alex and I were always good friends. 

"H-hey Hercules," I say. I don't know why stuttered. I guess I was nervous about how if he was gonna hold a grudge against me from what I did in High Schoool. I guess when he hears me stutter he sees me as weak or nervous or apologetic but, either way, he just shakes my hand and says hi.

"Hi, Jefferson, sorry for the way greeted you earlier, anyway come on in." 
We walk in to see John, Laf, Aaron, James and the twoSchuyler sisters already huddled up on the floor. I'm guessing they were playing their favourite game; Truth or Dare. 

"Hey, Guys, haven't seen you in a  while." Then a ball of sunshine pops up out of nowhere surprising Lex and me. 


The others chime in with how are you, what have you been up to and all that jazz. I don't really pay attention though. I focus more on Lex's amazing smile. He looks genuinely happy. He turns back to me and grabs my hand. I feel my face get hot and the sudden rush of his soft skin on mine. I feel giddy. Its weird its not like I haven't held his hand before but for some reason this time was different. He pulls me down to the floor. Then I'm bombarded with a bunch of "truth or dare's" and I get a little nervous by all the faces on me. 

"Ummm, Dare?"  ask in a questioning tone because I'm sure if I should regret this decision or not. I think I should start to regret it when everyone in the room starts to smirk except for Lexi. He looks up at me in confusion as to what their thinking. 

"I dare you to kiss whoever you think is the best looking in this room." 

That was easy I won't even hesitate. I quickly turn and kiss Lexi. Afterwards, we both just it there like normal and like nothing big happened. But I turn and see everyone's jaw is dropped. I can't help but chuckle. 

"Yeah, I guess we forgot to tell you but Thomas and I are dating now," I swear I saw everyone mentally curse, their jaws seemed to have dropped to the floor.  

"YALL ARE DATING!" they all say in unison. Then one voice perks up. 

"Doesn't surprise me, They were always close."  I know that voice and realize that it's John. But when he said it, de seemed distressed. I wonder why. 

"Okay, then so now that yall know let's move on. Peggy Truth or dare?" I ask Peggy. She stares blankly at me until she finally says dare. 

"I dare you to go outside and yell something random for 3 minutes everytime someone walks by," I smirk. She seems like she is already embarrassed. She jumps up and walks outside. It's a busy college so she is basically always saying the same thing over and over again. We all sit there dumbfounded as we hear what she screamed. (See at end of the chapter) We wait until she comes back to continue playing. She sits own as if nothing ever happened. 

Then Eliza walks in the room. I guess I didn't notice that she wasn't here. 

"Hey 'Liza. We're playing Truth or Dare. 

"Oh!Then, Alex, Truth or dare?" 

"Ummm.....Dare, duh!"

"I dare you to......" 

I see Lexi's face turn red. I can't tell if it's from anger embarrassment or a mixture of both...

I know this was short but I'm writing the late at night and I couldn't help ut leave yall on a cliffhanger. But I mean, even if it was short, an entire chapter of just THOMAS! But anyway, I hope yall enjoy this series, thank you for your patience and support. Thank you all for reading so much, I really do appreciate you all! On that note..... BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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