Chapter 12- Later Days with Threats

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*2 years later from the last chapter* 

One more year left in college. I start my last year today. I woke up really early so I could cook up some breakfast and coffee. Hopefully, I can serve Thomas some breakfast in bed. Mmmm depends on when I finish. 

I was done with cooking in 15 minutes. I set up some eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, and waffles on a plate with some warm coffee. I walked into our room and see Thomas still asleep. I walk in and set down the plate full of food. I shake him awake. 

"Thomas, Honey, wake up. First day back today. I have food." I whisper. 

"Mhmmmm, smells good. " 
"Here," I say giving him the coffee to wake him up some more I place the plate down on his lap before I go to get ready. 

"Thank you, Lexi."
"No problem." I leave and go get ready. 

I slip on some black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a jean jacket and black shoes. I start to brush my hair and put it in a bun. When I walk out of the bathroom, Thomas is on his phone and is done eating.

"You look amazing Lexi."
I start to blush so I run out of the room and grab some coffee and walk back in the room hoping I hid the blush. 

"Thank you, Thomas.Now get up and get ready classes start in an hour." 
"Fine." He gets up to go and get dressed. 

Today has been a good day so far. I woke up with some amazing food. And now we are heading to a cafe to get some good coffee. 

"Hey Lexi, what do you want out of this school year?" 
He seems to be thinking thoughtfully. 

"I want to be happy, learn as much as I can, enjoy my time, and graduate valedictorian." 
"Pretty high expectations, at least the enjoying your time. I know you'll be valedictorian." 
"Aww, your too sweet." 
"I try." He laughs and I join in. 

"What about you Thomas? What do you want out of this school year?" 
I start to think. Well, I want to say something. But...I want to say "Oh well all I want out of this school year is to marry you." But that would give him the idea that I'm proposing soon. Which I am but I don't want him to know that. 

"I want to spend time with my friends, get good grades graduate and be happy with you in my life." 
He starts to blush. He is too adorable. I hug him and we just walk hand in hand. Once we get to the Cafe Lexi takes his usual spot in the corner by the window and sets to work on his laptop typing away furiously. What could he possibly be working on? We haven't even started classes for this year yet. 

I order our usuals and sit down in front of Lexi.

"what are you working on?" 
"Ummm, n-nothing!" He stutters then slams his laptop closed and shoves it back in his bag. 
"Doesn't look like nothing, the way you acted." I looked at him as I leaned on my hand. 

He starts to blush. 

"It- it it was umm, a report! Yeah, a report for ummm Washington?" 
"Lexi, classes haven't started yet."
"It was an umm..." 
"It's fine. Don't tell me. It's okay." 
"Few!" He sighs in relief. 
"well, we should get going. I don't want to be late for classes." 
"Okay, Tommy lets go!" He says as he jumps on my back. 
"Onward My brave Stallion!!" I start to laugh. He is too cute. 
I start to run while holding on his legs. We get to campus and I set him down.
"Bye Lexi." I lean down and kiss him. 
"Bye Tommy."

I start walking to my class. Today will be a long day. The only class I have with Lexi is at the end of the day; debate.But I guess I'll have to pass time.  

*Time skip cause I'm tired* 

Finally its the end of the day. I can finally see Lexi. I sit towards the back since I'm early. I see Lexi walk in and I motion for him to come my way. He looks at me and I think I freeze. In his eyes, I see pain, regret, apologetic, sadness. He is just a mix of emotions. He has a tear-stained face. He doesn't look hurt. I motion for him to come over again but he just shakes his head and looks down. I decided I would get up and go to him. I reach out to hug him, but he just backs away and sits on the opposite side of where I'm at. I cant focus for the entire class. So I text him. 

FranceBoi-Whats wrong, what happened, why do you look so sad. If I did anything I'm sorry. Please tell me what happened. I just want to help. 

Non-Stop- It wasn't you. Don't think that it's just... I'll tell you later. I love you.

FranceBoi- Okay then. I love you too. 

Now that I have a little bit of a clue that he is okay I try to focus on class more. It could not have gone by any slower. 

Finally class is out. I rush up to Lexi to see him back away. He shakes his head and rushes out the door. I follow. I rush to our dorm. when I get there, Lexi is pacing the room biting his nails. 

"Good your here. Lock the door. Ill get the windows." 
"Lexi whats going on?" 
"I'll tell you in a second lock the door!" 
"Okay." I lock the door then help him with the blinds. 

"Alright everything is fine so what's wrong?" 
"Okay, so umm, today early like 11ish, they came up to me. They want to make my life a living h***!" 
"what happened?" 
"They came up to me. They said that if I didn't stay away from you, they would hurt you, and I never want that to happen! So I-I-I had to stay away. I don't know what to do!" He bends over and puts his face in his hand. 

" Lexi, relax come here." I pull him into a hug. 

"Don't worry Lexi, I will take care of this. We will both get through this. I can fix this." 
I lean down and kiss him. I don't want him to worry. 

"now tell me, who told you that?" 
"Umm, Burr, Lee, Samuel, King, and umm.." 
"Who else Lexi?" 

My mind goes blank. Jemmy? Jemmy threatened to hurt me, and Lexi. 

"Come on Lexi." I grab Lexi by his wrists and drag him out.

"Thomas, where are we going?" 
"Paying a visit to some old friends." 
"Thomas, what if they see us together." 
"Bite me.They ain't gonna touch you or me." 
"Don't worry." 

I run to James' dorm I don't bother knocking I just ram through the door. 

"what the crap Jefferson!?" 
"What the crap to you!! Telling Lexi you would hurt me and him if he was with me?!" 
He started walking towards Lexi, he whimpered, but I stepped in front of him an grabbed Madison by the collar o his shirt. 

"Come near him. I dare you, see what happens. You even look like your thinking of laying a single finger on him and you won't even know what hit you. Don't you dare touch him!" I'm right up close to his face, basically screaming in his face. I shove him off and grab Lexi and ug him quickly. I turn back to Madison who is just standing there. 

"You can tell what I said to all your little buddies too!" 
I storm out with Lexi behind me.

I rush him back to the dorm so I can look at him in the eye. 

"Thomas.." he lept up and wrapped his arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his back. 

"Thomas you are the best boyfriend I could ask for. I love you so much." 
"I love you too. I'm telling you, I will protect you. I will never let anyone hurt you." 

A/N- SOoooooooooooooo, yeah that just happened. I wanted to see more of protective Thomas! What did yall think? But ill publish another one tomorrow. Thank you for reading and 


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