Chapter 14- Lies and Cover-Ups

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I freeze. 

"Well..." He gets down on one knee. 
"Alex you have been the light in my life, why I have hope, why I enjoy life. You re the reason every day is an adventure, why every day is the best day of my life because I get to spend it with you. I don't want to ever let you go so... Alexander Hamilton, will you do me the greatest honour and marry me?"
"Thomas... of course, YES!" He puts the ring on my finger and I kiss him. This has to be the best day of my life. 

"Thomas I love you so much." 
"I love you too Lexi." 

The Rev Squad


Turtleboi-Okay then on my way. 

FranceBoi-Alright then Lets gooooooo!!!!!! 


Soon after that the entire group is there. Okay then. They came over faster than i thought. 

"Hey, guys well thank you for coming. We have some big news to tell you." Thomas says looking jumpy. 

"Welllllll, what is it?" 
"Umm well. You want to tell them, Thomas?" 
"Okay, well... WE'RE ENGAGED!!!!!!" 
I don't even know what happened next I just heard a bunch of screaming, laughing and apparently money being exchanged for those who won bets. 

"Congrats Mon Ami!" 
"I get to throw flowers at the wedding!" 
"I wanna throw flowers too!" Jeez, Peggy and Herc with the throwing flowers. 

"Well, we'll figure that out later," I say almost laughing at how eager they are. 
"Crap, I have to go, I have work bye congrats again." 
"I should go to mon ami. Bye."

*Time Skip* 

"Well, that was eventful." 
"Yeah, no kidding." 


He hasn't stopped smiling his amazing smile. I love it. He is so happy. We decide to go out for dinner. We basically just looked at each other like love-struck puppies. 

We got home and cuddled as always. He is just too cute for me. We both doze off clasped tightly in the others arms. Best night's sleep I've had in a long time.  

~~~The next Day~~~

We spent all day in the dorm just talking and discussing topics. You would think just sitting and talking for 12 hours would be boring but this was a better day than usual class days. Later that night we had a nice dinner and sat on the couch to choose movies. 

"Hey, babe I'm going to go for a walk." 
"Okay, be safe Love you." 
"I love you too Thomas." 
He seems so relaxed. I guess he is just as overjoyed as me. 


I got up and left for a walk. I wanted some fresh air since I spent the day inside. I was breathing in the nice cold air, and looking up at the stars when I was pulled harshly by a silhouette. 

The figure just pulled me harshly away. Suddenly we were in a black place. I looked around but I couldn't see anything. Suddenly I feel hands slide up my shirt. I kick and scream. 


I sat there helpless as my arms were tied up along with my feet and legs. I started to sob. What was Thomas going to think when he notices I'm gone for so long and come back with a lineup of hickeys down my jawline and neck. What will he say? Will he leave me without a chance to explain? I hope he lets me explain. Then everything goes out. 

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