Chapter 17- Happy at a price of worry

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Its been almost a month. A month. 1 month. 30 days. 1 month since we graduated. Which means 1 week before I get married. I shouldn't be nervous. But I am. It doesn't make sense, but yet I can't seem to be calm. I'm happy I'm overjoyed about it but I'm nervous about how life with Thomas will be like. We found a nice small 2-floor house. Its small like a cottage but it works for us two. Thomas seems completely calm. 

I am completely freaking out about getting married. But Alex seems to be holding it together. I wonder if he is nervous. 

{Ahhh, my poor boys! Get a grip ;) }


Thomas cant be nervous he seems too calm about this all. Its all planned out.. Everything is set up. We were going to wear the colour we wore when we first met. I still remember it like it was yesterday. We met in middle school, and it took us until college to get together. Crazy. But it all worked out in the end. He was wearing of course light purple or magenta which is what he prefers people to call it. (It was purple) and I was wearing a light very light green shirt. 
{Yes I know I said I wouldn't do it but how could I not!}

We went with white suits with him wearing a light magenta tie and me a light green tie, then he would have light green flowers, while I had light magenta flowers. It all seemed to work out. Everything was paid for, taken care of, and planned out to the very smallest of details. I don't know why I'm nervous. But I'm sure everything will be all right. 


We have everything ready to go. We are getting married on September 5. It will be in fall so it's not too cold or not too hot. Its an outdoor wedding on the beach is where I and Alexander wanted to live, and the gentle lullaby of the waves crashing on the soft sand is calming. It will make the wedding that much more special.The flowers will be something that complements magenta and green. We went with a medium blue. (Picture at the top of the page)

It will look amazing. I can picture Lexi standing in front of me looking up at me with his amazing. brown eyes, and his green tie. *sigh*. It sends a wave of calm through me. I know everything will be alright then. 

I was in the library reading when Thomas walked in.

"Hey, Lexi, am I the only one who is a little nervous?" 
He didn't say specifically about what he was nervous about but he didn't need too. I jumped up and walked over to him. 

"NO! I have been nervous about it all week." 
"Oh hallelujah, I'm not a bad person!" 
"NO! I have been nervous about like if something will go wrong or if something breaks or doesn't get set up or- " 
"Same here Hun." 
He looks at me and smiles. I cross my arms and tilt my head.
"Nothing. I'm just thinking about how you will look. It's calming." 
"Well, that's not nothing," I say uncrossing my arms. 

I go back to reading and writing. I have been applying to Law firms to work at until I get mine started up. I open up one letter that I have been waiting to read. It's not for a law firm, but it's for a job as a secretary of treasury. I open it up eager to see whats inside. Thomas is still standing in the doorway.

I open it and read it. I jump up and run to Thomas and hug him.

"REALLY! That's great Lexi!" 
"I will only work at it until my firm gets started up and we get more clients but I have a great job until then." 
"Its great. Once you get your firm set up you can work there. And your building is just down the road from here so it won't be hard.It's great Lexi." 
"Something to take your mind off of being nervous huh?" He asks. I laugh. 
"I don't want to take my mind off of being nervous." 
"Uh-huh, okay" He laughs and walks out. I sit back down and begin to read again. I get married to that amazing dork in 3 days. 

~~~3 days later~~~ 

I am on edge. I am so nervous. Everything will be fine. I'm sure of it. Thomas is the love of my life, I will be happy with him. 

"JOHN I'm freaking out!" I said pulling at my hair. John is my best man. 
"Alex, relax. Everything is going to be fine! And stop ruining your hair!" 
"But what if he decides he doesn't want to be with me, what if instead of 'I do' he says 'I don't'?" 
"Alex, relax. Thomas loves you and you love him. You have been together through thick and thin. Don't worry."
"Ya think so?"
"Alex, buddy, I know so." 
"Thanks, John. HEY HERC! Get those flowers ready to go!" I chuckle laughing at how desperately Herc wanted to throw the flowers. 

I raise my hands in surrender. "Okay, okay.You can throw the flowers." 

Everybody laughs.

*End Flashback* 

I sigh thinking of the memory. 

"I think I'm okay now John." 
"Good because the wedding starts in 10 minutes." 
"Ooookay. Let's do this. " I straighten my tie and then start walking out. 

As I was walking down to g to the alter, I see Thomas standing there. Smiling as wide as can be. My heart flutters. All my worries and cars are out the window.I smile back. 

Once I get there I turn and face the love of my life. I stare into his chocolate brown eyes. Those eyes. The eyes that could wash away anything that could ever be wrong. I stand there holding his hands staring into his eyes. I only hear the one line that matters. 

"Do you Alexander Hamilton, do you take Thomas Jefferson to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health. Weakness and in Strength, poor, and rich. Thick and Thin?" 
"Absolutely I do" I say winking at him. He knows what I mean. He said that the same day we graduated.

"And do you Thomas Jefferson take Alexander Hamilton to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health. Weakness and in Strength, poor, and rich. Thick and Thin?" 

He pauses. 


I see him walking down the aisle and he looks amazing. It makes my heart flutter. All the worry had getting ready is gone. I laugh thinking back at that.  


"what if he doesn't want to marry me? Or what he doesn't even show?" 
"Thomas relax.He is right next door and he is freaking out too." Laf says looking in the mirror fixing up his hair.  
"Yes, I was just over there." Laf was my best man. 
"Okay. Okay, everything will be fine." 

*End Flashback* 

He is standing in front of me. I know that he is the love of my life. I will protect him no matter what. I want to marry this man. Then he asks Lexi if he wants to marry me. 

"Absolutely I do." He used what I said on graduation day. I see a spark in his eyes and his smile could not be wider. Then he asks me. I hear him loud and clear. I for some reason hesitated. What is happening? Suddenly everything fades away. My mind flashes with everything I have been through with Lexi. I want to marry him, so why can't my mouth form the words. I try to nod but I'm frozen then my mind stops on one thing in particular. The day he got raped. 

"I-I-I-I got-" I cut him off. Why was it so painful for him to say it? Who did it to him? He seemed like he knew. Then my mind flashes back to the dinner the was he shuffled closer to me when- I know who raped Alex. I will kill that mother-

"Thomas?" Alex is looking at me with tears in his eyes. The pastor repeats the question once again. 

"Of course I do." I see Alex relax. I love him so much, and I can't let him get away with this We kiss and I feel on top of the world. I am so happy. We hug and I start to pay with his har. Nothing could make this more perfect. After we get back to the hotel room before the reception my mind flickers back to what happened at the alter I have to talk to Alex later about it, but I act normal for the rest of the night. Until we get back to the hotel room. 

"Alex who raped you?" 
"Thomas I told you I don't know." He looks down and starts to twirl his hair. He is lying. |
"Lexi I know your lying. Besides, I already know, but I need to er it from you to confirm it. Alex, who raped you?" 
"I uh, It's not, uh it was uh it was mhmppfng." He mumbled the last part. 
"It was ---

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