Chapter 18- Leave

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"I uh, It's not, uh it was uh it was mhmppfng." He mumbled the last part.
"It was ---"

He mumbled the last part. 
"It was umm" he looked down and shuffled his feet. 
"it's not a big deal Thomas." 
"No, it is a big deal.I need to know if I am right."
"Thomas-"  "LEXI? I need to know if I'm right."
"I think you know that answer." He said holding his arm and looking down.
"Lexi.." I whimper. 
"Was it really..." He slowly nodded his head. 
"Alex, it was James?" 
He nods slowly again."Jemmy?" He puts his face in his hands. I quickly rush over and hug him. 
"Shh, it's okay Lexi. I will take care of everything. I have it under control. Let's not make this what we remember of our wedding day. Let's go have some fun." He looks up at me with a smile and quickly nods his head. He is pulling me out the door smiling. 

I am smiling. But in my head, I am the most furious and frustrated person you could meet. We spent the rest of the night dancing around town. It was like a fairy tale. We were playing music out loud, just dancing. Smiling and looking into each other's eyes, living in the bliss of every step. Every move we make is in sync. Every single breath we take is one more breath into the amazing life that we can call ours. We danced until 2 in the morning. We then walked through the park. We found a spot and stargazed, taking in the future of us. He fell asleep, so I carried him back to the hotel. I stared down at his peaceful face. He is so beautiful. How could anyone do something so cruel to him? which reminds me.. I have someone to meet up with. 


When I woke up Thomas was gone. There was a note though. 


I went out to go talk to someone about important topics, but I made some breakfast and coffee. I will be back as soon as I can my love. See you soon. 


He better not have gone to talk to James. That happened almost 2 years ago. I get up and eat the wonderful breakfast Thomas has made for me. I decided it would be best if I texted him. 

Non-Stop- Tommy, where are you at exactly?

FranceBoi- Im on my way home now. I will be there soon love.

Non-Stop- Okay then. Love you.

FranceBoi- Love you too

I clicked my phone off and continued eating. After that, I went to change. A few minutes after I changed Thomas walked in. 

"Hey, hun." He says lugging some bags full of groceries to the table. 

"T-Thomas.... you have a black eye...Thomas.." 
He walks over and hugs me, then kisses me. He stares at me with those deep browns eyes.

"I told you I would protect you. Everything is taken care of don't worry. "


Before I left I grabbed my phone and my wallet. Then, I started heading to James place. Once  I got there I banged on the door as loud as I could. 

He opened the door a few minutes later. He hadn't been asleep. He seemed like he had been drinking. But he was still aware of his surroundings. Once he opened the door, I punched him All my rage coming onto to him at once. 

He stumbled back an held his face.
"What the he** man! What are you talking abo-" I grabbed his shirt and pushed him up against a wall. 

"How could you hurt him like that!? He was afraid for anyone to touch him for a month! He was jumpy every night for  6 months. He was afraid to tell me who it was because he thought we were friends. He was hurting and scared and in pain for a full year before he was even close to his normal self. YOU RUINED HIM FOR A YEAR JAMES! HE WAS SCARED FOR HIS WELL BEING FOR A YEAR BECAUSE OF YOU!" 
"I don't know what you're talking about!?" 
"You fu**** RAPED MY HUSBAND YOU B****!" 
"I only did it because I wanted you two to break up!" 
"I thought if you saw the hickeys you would think he was cheating on you and then you would break up with him!" 
"JAMES! WHY! WHY?! why? He has hurt for a year James. He wasn't himself. He was gone. He left me for a year. A YEAR because of what you did. How could you I thought we were friends." 
"BECAUSE! I LOVE YOU DA** IT!" I let go of him and stepped back. 

"We will never happen. I'M MARRIED! You and I are no longer on speaking terms. You and I are not friends." I started to walk out when he grabbed me and spun me around He planted his lips on mine. Pure rage coursed through my veins. I pushed him off and punched him square in the face. He punched back. I shoved him against a wall again. 

"Don't you ever go near him again. Don't ever touch him. You are no longer a friend to any of us. Don't think I'm not going to tell the police. You are done. Blocked, deleted, gone. Gone." All I could think about was how helpless he looked when I found him there, tied up and beat. 
"If you come near us at all, you will look a lot more beat as Lexi was when I found him. " I walked away. I needed to get home to Lexi. I went to get groceries, so I could calm down before going back to see Lexi. 


It hurt, Not the punches, what hurt was that the person throwing the punches was who I loved. He left. He is gone. We are no longer friends. No longer on speaking terms. I didn't think Thomas would marry a loser like Hamilton. But he did. He deserves more. He deserves better. But, if Hamilton makes my Tommy happy, I shouldn't take that away from him. It took me 4 years to figure that out. Better late than never. 

A/N WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW DRAMA anyone Thank you all for reading almost 200 reads!! Thank you so much for reading and for your support. Until next chapter yours truly- 


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