Chapter 19- After it all

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A/N If you are reading this thank you so much. 


After all of that happened Alex and I went to go meet up with our friends before we went on our honeymoon. We were going to the North Carolina Coast. Not very exotic but we didn't care. we didn't need to go to Europe, we just wanted to have some time together and the beach sounded nice. 

We met up with them at a cafe with some good waffles and coffee. 

"Ahh, the lovebirds flying away on their honeymoon," Laf said with his hands clasped against his face. 
"Oh be quiet. It's not that big of a deal." Alex said kina hiding his face with his coffee cup. 
"It's not a big deal, but I sure am excited about it!" I said shoving Lexi.

He looks up and me and smiles. He is excited too. 

"Laf....." Alex groaned"
"WHAT!? My petite lion is all grown up." 
"Laf...You're still gonna use that nickname?" 
"You will always be my petite lion." everybody laughs. Laf has the funniest names for Lexi. 

"Well, I and Laf have to go guys." 
"OH was that uh how you say reservation? Now?" 
"Um yeah and if we aren't there, then they'll cancel it so we have got to go Laffy." 
"Okay then. Goodbye, my petite Lion. Goodbye Poofy." 
"Poofy?" I say looking at Lexi who is just laughing. 
"BYE!" He closes the door leaving the room with John, Lexi, and I; Poofy.
"Stop laughing Lexi!" 
"I cant...Poofy!" That sends John and him in a fit of laughter. 
"Oh come on petite lion!" I say smirking. He stops laughing for a second then playfully slaps my arm. Then all three of us are laughing. 
"I have to go to work, bye Petite lion and Poofy." After a few more seconds of laughter, John leaves. 

"And then there were two... The Petite Lion and.." He hesitates before...."Petite Lion and P-Poofy." He says going back into laughter. I join in. Once we've calmed down we get ready to leave. We pack up a few more last minute things before we load up my car. 
"You ready to go?" 
"Yup." He gets in the passanger seat then we start on the drive.


The drive was fun. It was full of singing like idiots, laughing talking, debating, and then reading. 

"Hey, Lexi, what do you want to do once we get there?" 
"Well, I heard he was an aeroplane show, we could go to that if that is okay with you." 
"SUre sounds like fun. After that, we can go out to get some good desserts and then sleep!" I say with a sigh. 

"Yeah, it doesn't start till later so we can go check in the hotel and get some sleep." 
"Sounds good to me Petite Lion." He starts to giggle before he talks. 
"Alright, then Poofy." I start to laugh while he is trying to hold back his laughs, but he is unsuccessful. SO here we are, two men, sitting in a car laughing at nicknames and French guy gave them. Life is great.


How can I not laugh! POOFY! that's what Laf came up with for Thomas. POOFY! 

"POOFY!" I yell out, out of nowhere throwing my arms in the air laughing. Thomas joins in. 

"I DONT GET IT! His master name for you makes sense. Petite Lion, me POOFY! I don't get it?" 
"Your-- h---hair!" I say between laughter. He pulls over suddenly then starts to tickle me. 

"ThhahaahaTHOMAShahhahaha stop ahhshahaha It hahahaha tickles ahahhahahah!" 
"Its supposed to! IS there something wrong with my the poofiness of my hair?" He says smirking. 

"No--hahahahaah--- Nohahahah I lovehahahahah your hahah hair!" 
He stops tickling me then smiles. 

"Thank you!" 
"Whatever. mhm mhm." I say still laughing a little.
"Let's get this show back on the road." 
"What show?" I say smirking 
"The circus Petite Lion." I laugh and so does Thomas. 

Life is great. 


The airshow was amazing. It was a lot of fun when it was night time. Lexi curled up to me on our chair and we rolled up in our blanket like a couple of burritos. Lexi fell asleep so I Carried him back to the car.I got some weird look though. But one thing, in particular, set me on edge. 

"Bunch of no good FAGS! Go back to an insane asylum! Especially some little bi**** kid! GET LOST!" The guy spat as he walked by me. I set Lexi down. He woke up and looked at me. He could tell I was mad.

"Thomas? What Happened?" 
"Stay here Lexi, I have to take care of something." I smiled to try and calm him down. He nodded. I walked away rage in my eyes, as I rolled up my sleeves walking over to the man. 

"HEY! YOU! The one who is homophobic. YEAH, YOU!" 
"You got a problem?" He was trying to be intimidating. It wasn't working. 
"Yeah, I got a problem! I walked up and grabbed his shirt and punched him square int he nose. 
He stumbles back, but he starts to run back up to me. I swiftly slide to the right and grab him from behind and pulled him back to face me. 

"Before you even open your mouth, know what you're talking about," I say and then shove him back letting his shirt go. He turns around and just walks away. I start to walk back to Lexi. He is sitting there looking up at the sky. 

"I'm back Lexi." 
"What happened you seemed angry." 
"Nothing lets get back to the hotel," I say pulling him up from the ground.
"I can carry you, Lex if you are sleepy." 
He shakes his head but he swings his arm around my shoulder the best he can and rests his head on me. Once w get back to the car  Lexi look about ready to go to bed. 

"Lexi, why don't you lay down in the backseat. Get some sleep." 
"I would love to, doesn't mean I want to." He says grabbing my hand and smirking. I just roll my eyes.

"Okay then." The hotel isn't far away, but even in that short drive, Lexi managed to fall asleep.

I just carry him to our room. Once I picked him up he snuggles closer to me. He is too cute. Once I get him out of the car he shivers. I take off my jacket and wrap it around him. I walked into the Hotel getting some weird glances. When I came to the front desk to check in the receptionist stared at us for a little bit. 

"*clears throat* Excuse me, Jefferson, honeymoon sweet." 
"Umm, you two?" 
"If you are going to judge we can take our business somewhere else," I say with a threatening tone. It seemed to have jerked her back to life. 
"Um, No! Here is your key. Enjoy your stay and congrats on the marriage." She smiles a genuine smile. "Thank you." Our room is on the top floor. Goody. When the elevator starts to go up the shift in setting seemed to have woken Lexi up. He was gripping my shirt and looking around frantically. 
"Lexi are you okay?" 
"W-where are we?" 
"At the Hotel. We're in the elevator. Are you okay?" 
"Um, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. " He buries his head into my chest. I smile. But I'm still worried. 
"Lexi, you don't seem okay?" 
"No, I'm fine. Just a little panic attack from the thought of people looking at us weirdly." He muttered the last part.
"They can look at us all they want it won't change anything. " 
I hear him hum in response. I smile. He looks up at me. He shifts a little so he can kiss me. It wasn't long but it was all I needed to make me happy. Once we got to our room I set Lexi down on the bed. He immediately snuggled under the blankets. I went to turn the T.V on then turned it down a little. Just enough so we could hear but we had o be really quiet. I got under the covers next to Lexi. He shuffled closer to me and rested his head on my chest. I layed my head down on his. 

"Goodnight Thomas." 
"Goodnight Lexi. I love you." 
"Love you too Poofy." He smirked and laughed. I just pet his head until he dozed off. I followed soon after. 

I think I have found the only person on earth who would be there for me. Who I truly love. 

A/N HEYYYYY!! Yes I know another fluff buttttttttttttt it was worth it. SO sweet! Anyway, thank you for reading a new chapter on Saturday! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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