My Entity

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Not a rant.

Just here to boast about my awesome qualities.

1) Vintage Things

I love 'em. Like seriously, I've thought about buying myself a typewriter when I'm in college because at that time I will probably be making my own bucks and no one can question me and my spending choices.

2) Bad Puns

I like making bad puns that aren't funny just so my friends and I can laugh and wonder why I'm even their friend. I also slap my knee just to be extra.

3) Mean AF

I hardly like to own up to the fact that I absolutely hate sharing, but I do. Especially food. Just the thought of decreasing the amount of food I have hurts my soul. The sad thing is that I love when people share what they have with me.

4) Math Relationship

My relationship with maths isn't such a great one. No joke. We're trying to work it out though. We're going to a therapist [extra class].

5) Grape

Welches Grape Jelly is my favorite grape product but I like grape soda also. There is hardly something grape that I don't like. And I like purple.

6) Aesthetic

The word aesthetic is literally my aesthetic. I have so many things that I'm so aesthetic for it's disgusting.

7) Teenage Angst

I have so much I could literally share it with the whole world. Though it only comes out around my family.

8) Alliterations

They are my heart and soul. I could sit down all day and just alliterate my life away.

9) Grammer Freak

I can be very big on punctuation, grammar etc when I want to.

10) Cringey Instagram-worthy Stuff

I live for cringey things. Hand-made Playlists. Letters from friends talking about any random thing. Nice friends Online. Extra things for a Significant Other. You name it and I am loving it!

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