Not a rant.
Just here to boast about my awesome qualities.
1) Vintage Things
I love 'em. Like seriously, I've thought about buying myself a typewriter when I'm in college because at that time I will probably be making my own bucks and no one can question me and my spending choices.
2) Bad Puns
I like making bad puns that aren't funny just so my friends and I can laugh and wonder why I'm even their friend. I also slap my knee just to be extra.
3) Mean AF
I hardly like to own up to the fact that I absolutely hate sharing, but I do. Especially food. Just the thought of decreasing the amount of food I have hurts my soul. The sad thing is that I love when people share what they have with me.
4) Math Relationship
My relationship with maths isn't such a great one. No joke. We're trying to work it out though. We're going to a therapist [extra class].
5) Grape
Welches Grape Jelly is my favorite grape product but I like grape soda also. There is hardly something grape that I don't like. And I like purple.
6) Aesthetic
The word aesthetic is literally my aesthetic. I have so many things that I'm so aesthetic for it's disgusting.
7) Teenage Angst
I have so much I could literally share it with the whole world. Though it only comes out around my family.
8) Alliterations
They are my heart and soul. I could sit down all day and just alliterate my life away.
9) Grammer Freak
I can be very big on punctuation, grammar etc when I want to.
10) Cringey Instagram-worthy Stuff
I live for cringey things. Hand-made Playlists. Letters from friends talking about any random thing. Nice friends Online. Extra things for a Significant Other. You name it and I am loving it!
My Opinion
HumorThis is a book filled with Opinions some relatable, some not. It's just all in the name of good Humour. These are just basically rants. If you know you will get hurt then don't venture any further