Hold My Money Real Quick

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They really do just not give one hell of care for anybody. 

They know they're high on that social pyramid with their heavy navy jackets, fancy pens and bobbed hair. Completely snobby with their small button noses and cute voices. Must be wondering who hurt me? I swear I haven't been dumped by a banker or been cheated on with one. I just know that they turn their noses up at us.

They have the longest lines. Why? hat WASSS THE reasonnnnn???? The close very early and don't even work for the whole week. Why not? And even if they do work for 6 days they close early on weekends. They know we can't fight them cause they keep our money so we stand in their lines for hours and stand at their establishments' doorstep at goshdamn the crackass at dawn to beat the rush (even though 50 of us have the same idea and still end up nowhere in that line). And they take their precious time and type on their computers and leave their desk every 2 seconds to get some paper (i truly think they just go to the break room).

Or maybe the work ethic of the people in this country is just poor cause I definitely would have to complain about the supermarket and other money handling companies.

Bring the mattresses back IMO

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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