Moving back to you.

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Chapter 06: Lay it on us, Code.

Normal Monday morning. First period's done and it's my vacant so I decided to roam in the hallway. Only few students are there and no one will dare bother me when I'm roaming.

I felt my phone vibrated. It's a text from Hugh. Oh boy. Can't I have a day without someone bothering me all the time? Argh! I opened it anyways. Oh Codie.

Hugh : Meet me at the court. ASAP.

I rolled my eyes knowing he won't see it but curiosity took over my body and before I knew it I'm headed for the court. I saw Hugh dribbling a tennis ball with his tennis racket. "Hey!" He jogged towards me the moment he saw me.

"You came." He smiled so widely. I hate to say this but I think he looks cute with that smile on. He held my hand and dragged me behind the bleachers. I started to feel hot and sweaty. I'm feeling very nervous and at the same time excited. Oh screw you, hormones!

"What are we doing here?" I whispered and bit my lip. Oh god. How long have I ignored this gorgeous guy! He grinned and laughed silently. "Codie. I like what you're thinking but that's not why we're here." My eyes widened and I raised my brow at him. "I did not think of that! I was just asking." My face reddened and my cheeks felt hot. I so feel embarrassed.

"I have to show you something. It's really important." He placed his hands on my waist and turned me around. I saw Stan wiping the sweat off of his face and drenching himself with water from his bottle. He looks sexy. "We're here to watch my boyfriend look sexy?" I chuckled but Hugh didn't utter any word.

The aura between us became serious.

"Stan." It's Yumi. I wonder what she's doing here. She's not a cheerleader. She's not an athlete. So, what? I looked at Hugh questioningly and he just gestured to just look. There I saw every girl's nightmare. My man's lips are locked with that of Yumi's. Oh for the love of God! I swear I'll drag them both to hell.

"Behold. Your 'oh so good boy' Stan Rada." Hugh said sarcastically. I glared at him but I realized that he was right all along. I should've known.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins and I got all fired up. I squeezed Hugh's hand and then let it go. "Stan Rada!" He turned his head and his eyes grew big when he saw me. Yumi's face showed panic and fear. I want to punch them and slap them and dig their graves and place them there. Alive!

"Codie, it's not what you think. Hear me out." That's what boys always say when they're caught. That's bullshit. "Oh yeah? What is that? A new tennis practice on how to share your saliva?!" He didn't answered. He just looked at me with those eyes that I want to stab with daggers.

"Cat got your tongue, Rada?" I shrugged and came closer to him. "You son of a bitch. Better tell me everything before I rip your limbs apart." I looked at Yumi and said, "And yours too. Yumi Kazanori." I smiled and narrowed my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Codie." That's ll she has to say? For Pete's sake! I thought she was different from the other queen bees in school but I was stand corrected.

"Of all people, it's you. Even though we're not that close, you're still my friend. I can't believe you're a bitch. As for you, Stan bullshit Rada, is this the reason why you're always busy? Why you have no time for me? Oh, and this book.."

I took the book he gave out of my bag and threw it at him. "Take it back. I HATE One Direction. Hugh was right. He was so darn right. I can't believe I fell for your trap. I can't believe I fell for YOU!" He held my hand and apologized over and over again. "It won't happen again. I promise. Don't leave me, Codie." Unbelievable. I'm so fighting the urge of smacking them. Breathe in, breathe out.

"Tell me, what did she do? What made you 'do' her? Huh? Speak up, goddamit!" He's still not saying anything as to why he did it! Yumi's just standing there, crying and apologizing. I want to shut her up so bad!

"You know what, Yumi? You can have him. I don't care anymore. Make out wherever and whenever you guys like. I don't care. We're over Stan. Play around. You don't have to worry about getting caught. Fuck every girl, see if I care. Good thing I didn't gave you mine."

I started to walk away but I stopped when I felt someone's hugging me from behind. "Codie. No. Please, give me another chance. I swear I'll be better. I'll do better. Don't leave me. I'm so sorry. Yumi's just a past time. I wasn't thinking straight. Please, don't do this to me." I untangled his arms from me and faced him. God, he's crying. Hah. I saw Yumi was just right behind him. I grinned.

"You should have thought of the possible things that can happen before you did it, Stan. You chose her. You won't find a number two if you're really serious about number one. News flash, we're moving. Things will still end up, me leaving you. Goodbye, Stan Rada. Enjoy playing with your toys. And Yumi, please be decent enough to not hook up with someone that's in a relationship. Girls aren't meant to be played with." I left them alone and went to look for Hugh. I want to talk to him.

He was still behind the bleachers, playing with his phone. I smiled. "Hugh." I looked up and stood. "So how did it go? Did you kicked his ass?" He laughed but stopped when he noticed that I was being serious. "When did you knew about that?" He placed his hands in his pocket and sighed. "Friday. Do you remember when you walked away from me because I was hitting on you? When you were outta sight I looked for you but instead of finding you, I saw them."

I felt betrayed. I'm feeling bitter. I hate it. I hate Stan. So much. Tears fell from my eyes. Hugh wiped them off and that moment I knew what kind of person Hugh really is. He's not a player. He's not a bad boy. He's Hugh. The one that always got my back no matter what. I hugged him tightly and thanked him.

"I don't wanna see you cry, but I you have to know the truth. Sorry for making you cry."


It's lunch break and I invited Hugh to join us at our table. I saw Bri and Levin seated already but no Lena. Where could she be? "Lev, where's Lena?" It's unusual for her to miss lunch. "She's just at the restroom. Don't be paranoid." Levin rolled his eyes and I did the same. "Don't need to be grumpy, grandpa!" I teased him and shoved him lightly and that gained me a smile from him.

"What's he doing here?" Levin's still not cool around Hugh. I must do something abut this problem. "I invited him. Will you two get along, please." They both nodded and then Lena came into the scene. "Codie. Why is Stan going wild and punching lockers in the hallway? He keeps on saying your name like its a prayer."

"About that. We broke up, like two hours ago. Right Hugh?" Hugh nodded in agreement after looking at his wristwatch.

"Lay it on us, Code."

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