Moving back to you.

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Chapter 04 : Life must really hate my guts.

Serve. Forehand. Backhand. Lob. Slice. Smash.

I did all the moves tennis could offer over and over again but I'm still not satisfied. I need to clear my mind. I'm focused but something's holding me back. I need answers. I need explanations. I need closure.

Breathe in, hmm. I tossed the ball and served a perfect one. I can see Hugh's already tired and signaling me to stop. He walked towards me, panting. "Shit, Codie. Are you planning on killing me? Just say so." He waved both of his hands in front of him then breathe in hard.

"We've been playing for 3 hours. Aren't you tired? I'm starting to worry about you." See? I told you Hugh's sweet at times. He's not all bad. Wait, we've been playing for that long? "3 hours? I didn't notice. It felt like just an hour. Weird.."

Seriously, we started at 2:00pm and I feel like it's just 3:00 but when I looked at my watch, it's 15 minutes past 5. "Are you high?" Nice question. Yes, I'm high. High on Ash Drugs!

"Heck no!" I giggled and then I felt Hugh's hand pressing on my forehead, then on my neck and after that he made me count how many fingers he's flashing. "Knock it off, Hugh. I'm fine. I'm not sick and the heck I'm not on drugs." I spatted. "I'm just worried. Come on, let's go. It's getting dark." He grabbed my hand and we went to grab our stuffs and talked to coach for a bit.

"You're doing great out there, Codie. Keep it up." Coach Sander patted my head and smiled at me. I hate it when he does that but I don't mind. We headed back to campus and walked through the hallways. It's like a ghost town. There's nobody else in here but us.. And the janitor. Hah.

"You really had me worried, Codie. That's the first time you lost track of time and went all energized in playing. What's going on?" He really sounds sincere. Maybe he does like me more than I know. "It's just that lots of things are going through my mind right now. Thanks, though." I looked at him while we're walking to the parking lot.

"For what?" I like him when he's not being a jerk and flirting here and there. I like it when he's a friend. "For being concerned and all." I looked away and stared at an empty space.

He didn't uttered a word after that. We reached the parking lot and what're left are my scooter, his 4x4 wheels, some old crappy cars and a bike. Hugh took my scooter and placed it at the back of his truck. I already know what his doing. He got in the driver's seat and I followed.

I sat on the passenger's. No need for words. I does this all the time when we got off late in tennis practice. We're driving with silence. None of us saying a word. I was about to say something when he spoke. "I'm not that bad, you know. Just find some time to get to know me better. That's all I wanted, Codie. Just know the real me."

He looked at me then back on the road. "Okay." That's all I have to say. He pulled up in front of our house where my dad's waiting at the porch.

"Finally! It's already 6:54 in the evening, young girl. Oh, thank you for taking her home, Hugh." My dad nodded his head at Hugh. He said that it's like a code for boys saying that you're on my good book.

Hugh got my scooter off his truck and bid his goodbyes. "Thank you. Drive safely." I mouthed and he smiled.

When dad and I entered our house, he headed to the kitchen and brought out our favorite midnight snack. Oreos. Yum! We sat on the couch in the living room and watched The Simpsons. My dad and I have this best friend relationship kind of thing. We can talk about almost anything. I tell him everything and he does the same.

"I like that Willis boy more than that Stan Rada." Dad spatted out of nowhere. He doesn't really like Stan even from the start. I don't know why but that's the way things are with him and Stan.

"Dad." I whined. "Get over it. Hugh and I are just friends. Learn to like Stan. 'Kay?" He covered his ears and made loud blabbers. Sometimes I think my dad is possessed by some child. Well, because he acts like one at some times. Silly ole dad.

We laughed till we drop and threw Oreos at each other when suddenly Calvin jumped out of nowhere! "Having fun without me, eh?" He tickled me and threw Cheetos at dad. My family's so awesome.

We stopped and just watched. "What the heck is Homer doing?" We bursted out laughing again. Mom called us for dinner. I smelled pot roast. Ooh. Yummy! We talked and laughed and teased and ate. Dinner time is always the best. My family's together, bonding and reaching.

"I saw Hugh a while ago. Did he brought you home, honey?" Why do they keep on bringing this up. "Yes, mom." I said with my mouth full. "Ooh. Hugh and Codie, sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S--" I stuffed Calvin's mouth with salad and it surely made him stop.

"Cut it out, you two. So Codie, is Hugh courting you?" Change topic! Change! Argh! "No! Mom, you know I'm with Stan and it's inappropriate for me to let someone court me. He's just my co-tennis player/friend."

I've been telling it to them over and over and still I find myself repeating. "He's a nice boy. I always see him bring you home. How about Stan? I only saw him do it once." Mom continues her fondness over Hugh.

What's their problem with Stan? I so not know. "Yeah, Hugh's cool. Like my pal Ash." That does it! I can't take it anymore. Bringing Ash up is so not cool. "I'm full. May I be excused?" I said coldly. I stood up and went straight to my room. Ash.. What have you done to me?

I checked my phone for any notifs. 45 messages, 20 from Hugh, 5 from Lena, 15 from Bri, 4 from Levin and a text from ... Ash.

Just a text from him made me froze. What will he say this time? I took a deep breath and opened it.

*Codie, I want to be in your life again. I want us to be friends.*

And that word crashed my world down. FRIENDS. Yeah, friends. That hurts. So much. Tears streamed down from my eyes. I should've never assumed that things will work out between us. That things will be the same. Life never stops bringing twists to my life.

*Okay.* that's all I managed to type and hit send. I waited for him to reply but hey! I shouldn't. I'll just end up disappointed again.

"Codie, please come to the library." Dad said through the intercom. He sounded serious. Hmmph.

"In a sec!" I said. I cleaned my face and Mede sure that my eyes aren't puffy so that they won't ask. I went to the library and everybody's there. "What's this?" I felt my chest go heavy and I started to get anxious. Calvin grabbed my hand and we both sat at the couch.

"Well, it's about the 'waffles'." Calvin and I stiffened. This is not good. Good news aren't told seriously. Right? "I got promoted." Dad continued. Hey that's good! But.. Oh god no! No, no , no!

"We're moving." There goes the bomb and boom! Damn! Twist. Curse you twists!

Calvin stood up and left. The door slammed and I jolted up. "Again? Seriously? Mom? Dad? Aren't you guys tired of moving?" Tears ran down my cheeks and I felt my body burn. I stood up and paced around the room.

"I'm sorry, honey. It's just the way things are with my job." Dad explained. I hate it because it sucks. It may be for a good cause but it's making our lives more difficult. Everything will be new again, I'll start from scratch and everything I worked for in school will just be blown away in a blink of an eye.

"Where will we move this time? Mars?!" I felt anger and sadness and pity and worry. My emotions are scattered and it's bringing me down.

"We're going back to Bridgeport, Codie." This time mom responded.

Nice. Bridgeport. That made things worse.

I cried even harder and I kneeled down. Why there? Of all places, why Bridgeport? Is this what you call destiny or just a silly coincidence? First Ash keeps on popping in my mind, then I narrated our first meeting, then he called and said words that made me go nuts and now I'll be moving back to where he is?

Life must really hate my guts.

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