I'm sorry I have not done this sooner.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. They all belong to the wonderful, yet infuriating, Uncle Rick.
Annabeth's POV
Percy helped me up and started to lead me through the forest.
"Can you tell me where you're taking me?" I asked.
"Nope," he responded. "It's supposed to be a surprise."
"Okay, whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Alright well I need something to think about while we're trudging along here. So, what are your parents like?"
He smiled. "Well, my mom is the sweetest person in the world, I'm pretty sure I said that before. She has that motherly instinct that can tell when I'm upset about something. I trust her with pretty much everything in the world. She knows pretty much everything about me. She and I have this thing, since I was little she has baked blue everything. I think it was because my stepdad said there are no blue foods in the world."
"Blueberries? There's even blue in the name!"
"I don't know he was pretty stupid. I used to call him Smelly Gabe because he smelled so bad: like beer and cigarette smoke. It was terrible."
"You used to call him that?" I asked questioningly.
"Yeah, he died of drug overdose about five years ago."
"Oh, I'm so sorry Percy!"
"No it's okay. I really didn't like him at all anyway."
"Okay, well, what about your dad?"
"I...well...I'd rather not talk about him."
"Okay," I said. "It's ok you don't need to talk about him."
There was a moment of silence for about ten seconds. In which I had time to think: I wondered what happened to him? But I didn't have to wait very long for an answer because Percy blurted it out.
"He died on a shipwreck. My mom was pregnant with me when he died. I have never met him." He sighed, as if he had just let off a huge burden.
"Oh Percy, I'm so sorry I pushed!"
Percy's POV
I can't believe I just told her that. I have never told anyone that, not even my best friend, Grover. There's just something about her that makes me just blurt out whatever I'm thinking. The things she does to me.
"Oh Percy, I'm so sorry I pushed!" She looked as if she were about to cry.
"No no, it's ok!" I assured her. "I have just never had a good father figure in my life."
"Oh Percy," she said quietly. Then she did something that surprised me. She stopped, walked over to me, and hugged me, with her arms around my waist. I immediately hugged her back, my arms sliding around her shoulders.
"Annabeth, it's perfectly fine!" I started to rub her back. "I have just learned to live without a father figure in my life. The closest I've ever gotten is my mom's current boyfriend, Paul. That's why I feel like a burden a home. My mom was the only one who took care of me. She took all the responsibility for me, by herself. That's another thing about her. She's a whole lot stinger than she looks."
She started to shake her head into my shoulder. Then she pulled her head back. "Percy, no one should live without a father figure in their life. I guarantee you your mom never felt as if you were a burden."
"How do you always know just what to say?" I ask her.
"Experience I guess." Then she hugged me tight again.
"Hey, I need to show you something. We don't have to walk much farther." I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. As we were walking she pulled our hands into the "holding hands position." I immediately smiled. This is perfect.
"Alright, here we are," I told her gesturing widely. "Welcome to my home."
"Wow! Percy this is beautiful!"
"Yeah I guess it is," I shrugged. "Come on, I want you to meet my mom."
I walked her over to the house and walked in through the back door. "Mom!" I shouted. "I'm home!"
"Oh Percy! It's so go- oh, who is this you brought with you?" She said looking over and smiling at Annabeth.
"This is Annabeth. Annabeth, this is my mom, Sally Jackson."
"Percy," Paul said as he walked into the room. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Sure," I said, removing my hand from Annabeth's and walking over to Paul. I turned back when I remembered something. "Oh yeah, you two get acquainted. I'm sure we'll be right back. Me and Paul walked into my mom's bedroom.
"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Percy, you know that I love your mother very much. Since you're the man of the house, I thought it only fair that I should ask you this. Percy, are you ok with me marrying your mother?"

Fiksi PenggemarAnnabeth Chase believes that no one loves her, but then she is caught in a fire that almost kills her, and a boy named Percy Jackson saves her life, and he just might change her ideas about love. Bear with me at the beginning. I promise that it gets...