twenty five

57 4 22

K so this chapter is basically- mostly- smut- NOT REALLY but ye!, brace yourselves and if you're uncomfortable with it you don't have to read the chapter you're not missing out on much action at all ;) wink wonk (;

"Fuck, don't do that."He breathed and pulled her bottom lip away from her teeth, but their softness made the bulge in his pants grow tighter causing him to sigh and shake his head, trying to control himself.

Hestia however, didn't think the same way, she had a mind of her own, so she put her hand on his chest, flipped them over and took the lead, Tom let out a gasp as she straddled him, this time his growing bulge touching her thighs made him moan.

She smiled mischievously and put her lips on his then trailed down to his neck, it was definitely her first time doing anything like this- not just with Tom, no, but Hestia was a virgin who had never been kissed before Tom, so it was very confusing for her as to how she was doing this, and how she was so confident while taking the lead, but clearly, her body had a mind of its own.

The small moans and soft gasps coming out of his mouth were causing her to grow wetter by the second, but she held her ground, and nibbled at the skin of his neck, until she found his soft spot- right underneath his jaw- and she sucked causing him to close his eyes in content and moan, "Fuck,"

She pulled away and looked at the hickey with a grin then nudged her nose with his, he looked at her with wonder as she sat up and made him sit up, too, she brought her hands down on his chest until they reached the hem of his tight fitting shirt and she pulled it off his body.

He didn't what she was doing, he didn't know why she was doing what she was doing or what she wanted, but he was definitely loving it as he watched her closely. She pushed him back down and trailed kisses down his body causing him to shudder, and gasp as she left love bites everywhere on his chest, he tried his best to suppress his moans and groans, but she was so good.

But when her hand reached his pants he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and she grinned before getting off him and taking his pants off. She threw the pants on the floor too and again, straddled her boyfriend, he gripped her hips tightly and looked at her licking his lips. (god damn I'm going to hell)

He sat up and went to pull her shirt off, too, but then he saw the look in her eyes and it made him go crazy, he ripped the shirt off her body and flipped them over, she groaned underneath him and huffed, completely forgetting about the cuts on her stomach and thighs that he would see if he undressed her, "Fuck, Tom that was my favourite shirt."

"That's what happens to your favourite shirt when you tease me."He licked his lips again and grinned, pulling her pants down, he tried not to look at her scars, he kept looking in her eyes and then closed his as put his lips on hers then started going down slowly, teasingly, and with a smirk he easily found her soft spot, her moans were louder than his even though she tried to hold it in.

It was hard for her to do so while he was sucking on her neck, then on her collarbone, creating hickeys everywhere his mouth touched, she bit her lip trying to hold her moans in but he pressed his lips to hers biting her bottom lip then letting it go.

He went back down to her collarbone then down to her chest, still keeping the eye contact as he kissed and sucked on her skin, but when she closed her eyes he pulled away and spoke huskily; "Look at me."

She took a shaky breath and looked at him, he kept his eyes on hers as he kissed her scarred and cut stomach and she shuddered, taking a sudden sharp breath, as if suddenly remembering why she never did anything this intimate with her boyfriend, and Tom put his hands on her waist then pushed himself up and kissed her cheek speaking softly while looking into her eyes, "You're beautiful."

She gulped and tried pushing him away but he grabbed her hands and kissed them then flipped them over again so she'd be on top of him and brought her closer to him, hugging her to his chest as the tears started filling her eyes, "Shh, baby, it's okay."

"I-It's not- I- you deserve a pretty girl and I'm not- and-"

"Nonsense, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen, I don't care what anyone thinks, these don't make you ugly, alright? They make you, you, and that's exactly who I fell in love with."He spoke and she started sobbing, "I just- I just want you to promise me you won't be doing this to yourself anymore, please, darling."

"I-"She started but stopped and shook her head, "I can't-"

"For me, baby, please, tell me you don't like hurting yourself. Tell me you love yourself as much as I love you."He spoke softly, kissing her forehead.

"I can't."She cried.

"Eris."He spoke quietly and looked her in the eyes pleading, begging, "I love you, okay? We're gonna get through this, together, I promise, but I just want you to promise that you'll try with me, please. Okay?"

"O-Okay."She stuttered nodding.

"Maybe okay will be our always."He grinned cheekily causing her to let out a laugh and hug him tightly.

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