twenty eight

53 4 7

ten more updates to go, hope you like this,
Oh and-
Please give me feedback whether you like the chapter or not! And if you liked it please vote and comment, ily and thank you for reading this very messy/shitty fanfic

Hestia woke up to her phone ringing and Tessa licking her face, she groaned and pushed Tessa's face away from hers, "Tessa, no."

She grabbed her phone and accepted the call without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?"

"Tia! Thank God you answered, you need to come to Los Angeles as quick as you could."Harrison spoke, his voice shaky.

"What? Why? Is everything okay? Is Tom okay? Did something happen? Are you okay?"Hestia sat up suddenly causing her head to feel woozy.

"Tom's throwing a fit- he's going crazy, he's thrashing the hotel room, breaking everything, I don't know what to do- you need to come I-"

"Why is he-"

"Haven't you seen the news? And he's so fucking angry about what happened with you-"

"I must have missed it when he asked about me these past two weeks because he cared so much."She said sarcastically despite being already up and putting her jeans on.


"I'll be there in a few hours, Son."She sighed and hung up before booking a ticket to Los Angeles that leaves in an hour, she took the bag that she still hadn't unpacked and woke Zeus up after she got dressed and called Nikki asking her if she could take care of Zeus and Tessa until she comes back which she agreed to, knowing what's going on with her son.

Hestia on the other hand still hasn't seen the pictures that the paparazzi took of her boyfriend, so when she opened Instagram and started scrolling through it she saw Lili Reinhart had posted a picture of Tom crying and swiped to see another of Tessa attacking the reporter, she blinked and read the caption as she sat in the cab after driving Tessa and Zeus to Nikki's.

What happened last night is a fucking disaster, these two are clearly kids who need to have some privacy, you guys -the paparazzi- posting these pictures of Tom is horrible and absolutely unacceptable, and the guy who grabbed Hestia absolutely had her dog's attack coming, as a dangerous breed her dog sensed danger and the only thing she knew was to protect her owner, my heart is with this couple that clearly can't live one normal day in their lives. Just because we are actors doesn't mean people have the right to know everything about us. Some people understand what privacy means while the paparazzi harasses a girl who's barely eighteen years old and takes pictures of her boyfriend while he's having a panic attack instead of helping him. It's gross and ridiculous, and I really hope that the two of them sue the magazines that did this to them.

Hestia put her hand on her mouth in shock as she finished reading and then wiped the tears she didn't notice were falling, the taxi driver looked at her with confusion before he realized who she was and spoke, "What happened with you last night was really awful, kid."

Hestia looked at him and sighed, "Welcome to my life."

"My daughter's a big fan of you and your boyfriend, she was crying all night when she saw the news about what happened with you both."He said with a frown, "It's unfair, really, you both being put on the spot like that at such a young age."

"These are the taxes of being famous."She sighed and shrugged, "It sucks, yeah, but at least we do what we love."

"You should sue that guy who grabbed you so nobody else would do it again, to protect yourself."He spoke looking at her before looking back at the road.

"I know, my manager texted me and did that."She nodded as the car came to a stop in front of the airport, she took out money from her purse and gave it to him, "Thank you, sir."

"Stay safe."He smiled and helped her get her bag out of the trunk, she smiled back at him and entered the airport.


"How could they do that to her?! I try keeping her with no worries and not talking to her for two straight weeks just to have some fucking pap harass her?!"Tom yelled throwing a vase at the wall, "I don't speak to her for two weeks so I wouldn't burden her with my stupid thoughts just so a fucking stupid asshole harasses her!"

"Okay, Tom, just calm down!"Harrison screamed at him, "You need to stay calm if you want to help her in any way, not freak out like this."

"I just can't do it anymore! I'm so tired of everything and I can't-"He sat down on the floor and took a deep breath before speaking quietly, "I can't do it anymore, Harrison."

"What- What can't you do anymore?"Harrison asked and sat down next to his best friend.

"I can't pretend like everything is okay anymore, Haz,"He spoke, "Every time I try to do something good it backfires in my face, I can't do any good."

"Mate, you're doing the best you could-"

"It's not enough."He cut him off quietly.

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