Chapter 3

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We have a month left before our wedding, I want to help Apple but I dont know how to contact that guy whom she talked about

All I know is his name... if I recall it right its Kongpope Suthiluck?

I asked Knott about him and it surprised me when he told me that he knew someone who can contact Kongpope but he warned me to brace myself for his professional fee

I told him we prepared everything so there is no need to worry, just name the price as long as my Hon is happy, I am happy as well



"Seriously what is happening to my house? Did we put a placard outside our house that we are accepting refugee friends since when May?" I asked to my beloved wife but she just laughed at me and my beloved daughter is still at Kong's side

And now she claimed that she wants to marry Tew and Kongpope

Really Meilin? Not one but two??!! 😂😂

"What brought you here Tew? Did your landlord kick you out of your condo?" I asked him, Tew is one of the closetest friend of me and Kong

"555 Of course not Aim! Ai'Kong my landlord asked me about you because his friend wants you to be their exclusive photographer in their wedding" Tew said while Kongpope seemed not interested about the job

"My wife says no, so its no Tew" And he continued playing with my daughter, like his teaching her how to use his camera, even were friends for 10 years we never dared to lay our flirty hands to his darling camera

Then he let Meilin? Wait His Wife!!!!!!

"No way I am not going to accept you Ai'Kong as my son in law that's creepy!"

"Why dad?" This time my Meilin is im verge of crying, I sighed as I said

"Baby dont cry Im accepting your husband 😂😂"

All of a sudden she wipe her tears and she continued playing with Kong

Damn it 😂😂



After Kongpope refused to accept the job, I called my landlord P'Knott to tell him his answer

"Hello P!"

"Yes, Ai'Tew"

"Sorry P! Ai'Kong refused to accept the job.. he hates wedding so maybe your friend can find another photographer"

"But Tew you know that my friend's fiancee wants him, can you do something for them to meet... I will let them to handle him, please! just let them meet!" P'Knott begged

"Fine! P,  but dont expect his coming on time his busy playing with his baby wife"

After that I pressed the end button and start persuading this stubborn guy

"Kong just meet them please!"

"No, Im lazy Tew"

"They are willing to pay you"

"No, I promise to stay here with Meilin until I found my muse"

"Then how can you find your muse if you are not going out! Your freeloading Kong!"

"Then let Aim chase me out---" He didnt managed to finish his sentence when he saw an email and the way his eyes sparkles

Did he finally find his muse?

And now I am dragged to accompany him, I am curious who is this person that made Kongpope divorce his Meilin abruptly

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