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A/N: I forgot to write END last chapter so this is epilogue 🤣🤣 don't mind me
Warning : 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋


Mae held a simple wedding for us at Pattaya, in the wedding venue Aim, Tew, Oak and Prae became a mother hen to me. WTF

Prae says that I need to practice safe sex so P'Arthit won't die fast even my sister gifted me a one year supply of condoms. Can someone kill them first? 🙄

Meilin saves me as she drags me away from my mother hen friends. I thought Mei would stop our marriage only to find out she will discuss to me that she likes someone and she is planning to confess to him.

"Why do you like her Mei?"

"I don't know Uncle Kong, all I know is I am happy when his happy and I am sad if he sad.. is that wrong Uncle Kong?"

"No Princess, you are right! You are in love with him but please discuss it to your parents first before you court him"

"I will to Mae but not to por. His exaggerating things but Mae is so cool like you Uncle"

"555+ I get you"

We keep on bullying his father until it's time for Mei to sleep so May get her and brought her to their room.

While I search my husband, his blushing so hard that I want  to pinch his baby cheeks, I feel his soon to explode from too much blushing so I came and save him from my mother hen friends.

Time Skip
One year later

"I want to introduce my son Kongpope Suthiluck as the New CEO of Siam Polymer please give him around of applause"

After my father introduced me as the New CEO everyone was stunned when I declare I am on quest of finding a secretary who could be my new muse.

No qualifications is needed all they need is to impress me and they will get a quarter of million baht salary.

"What was that Kongpope?"

"Por few years ago, I left this company because I need to find my muse now I am staying for real to find a new muse"

"Why find a new one young man?"

"Because my old muse refuse to be mine forever"

"I don't understand your words my son, fine suit yourself"

After being reprimanded by my father because of this muse thing which I brought up myself now Aim is busy to accommodate all the aspiring secretary of mine.

"Ai'Kong can you just fire me? Why I have to accommodate 100 applicants and choose only one for you? do you think this friend of yours can do that difficult task?!!!!"

"Stop your drama Aim and do your job"

"Fine whatever just don't blame me when your new secretary is not good for your own taste"

After a week finally Aim send me the profile of my new secretary and it seems like he meets my standard. Nice pick Aim

Now my new secretary just barged in my office after a few scolding from HR Department due to his bad sleeping problems. His not a morning person too bad he need to appease me or else I'll fired him.

"Good Morning Sir do you want Ice Coffee or Me?"

Before I can respond he immediately sit on my lap lock our lips into a wild kisses while his other hand went to my crotch massaging my shaft through my slacks.

After a few seconds he stop attacking my lips and proceed to undressing my suit.

He seductively kiss my Adams Apple down to my nipple

"Sir do you want it hard or cold?"

When he asked me that question he didn't bother to wait long for my answer as he started to undress himself as well , as he lured my eyes to his pure white chest like never been touch down to his pink nipples that I badly want to pinch.

"You know I am a married person do you think you can face my husband wrath Khun?"

"Your husband won't know, the secret is just between the two of us Mr. Suthiluck"

"A secret? I doubt it will stay a secret forever"

"Your husband won't mind to share you with me, look your hard now!!"

"Don't just play with it do your job and make it proud"

"As you wish Mr. Suthiluck"

As he started to pull off my slacks, then my boxers revealing my proud shaft standing in front of him

"Khun do you want to show the world your ass, it's mine to fuck later so if I were you use my table underneath and do your service properly do you understand? Don't leave a scratch or else my husband will find you.. his not please other people touching his beloved sword"

My new secretary followed my instructions as he hide himself underneath my table hiding his beautiful ass from the world.

When he started licking my tip, fuck his good! The way slurp it oh fucking heaven am I close seeing it. He continues doing his blow until I cum.

"Sir my ass feel cold please help me?"

I order him to place his hand to my table, show his ass for me to examine. It's so white like my husband. When I slap it his cock immediately react his so cute. So I continues slapping it until it becomes red

"Sir please forgive me I promise I won't be late tomorrow"

"Do you think I will believe you?"

"You will because you choose me"

"No it's Aim that placed you here as my secretary"

"Then should I service him instead of pleasing you Sir?"

"No You are only mine"

As I plugged my shaft without preparing him I was too pissed when he told me his going to please Aim? After seducing he plans to jump to another guy?! No way his mine and only mine to own

After a few hitting his secret pocket for how many times we both reach limit as we cum together.

After being rough to him, I lifted and place his beautiful body on my big red couch. The couch that I reserved for my husband.

"Do you need to be that rough for me Kongpope?!"

"I am sorry P'Arthit you just mention you will service Aim do you think I will share my muse to anyone else? Not in this lifetime P! But you were so hot when you ask me coffee or me? Where did you get that P?"

"Your diary I couldn't believe you were writing a diary should I call it like that? I don't know why por raised a pervert like you! Your first content was when I find my muse I want him to ask me Ice coffee or me?! WTF Kongpope"

"But it's so cute P!"

"No! Your just a pervert! Don't you know how I face the HR Department earlier when they scold me for being late! You damn know I am not a morning person so from now on secretary day will start at 10am do you understand Kong?"

"Sure P! Just do the next entry tomorrow please?"

"If I have a good morning tomorrow I will grant your wishes my dearest husband I love you Kongpope"

"Love you too my dear P'Arthit, you are my love that cannot be erased"


A/N; I suck at writing this I knew it 🤣🤣 I will start a new story and finish The Past That Bind Us✌️thank you for reading this until the next story 💪 please check my new story titled Serendipity 🙏

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