Chapter 22

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After having my muse dumbstruck, I need to discuss this sudden plot twist to Ai'Prae

I told her about her cousin having an affair on Apple! I want her to stop their forbidden relationship not to invite him and make that bitch choose that guy over her supposed to be husband.

I want to make P'Arthit happy

"Prae why did you drag him here? do you want Apple to abandon P'Arthit before the wedding day?"

"Isnt that what you wish for Kongpope?"

"Yes but not like this! If I make that girl pick your cousin then my pain in the past will never heal!"

"Acting coward is not a choice here Kongpope! better choose ...
Arthit your muse! Apple your past or your pain!"

"Prae! I had enough of my pain that is why I am setting P'Arthit go, his words awakened me that loving him is impossible"

"Really your doing this for P'Arthit or your guilty of what you learned about Apple?! Its not your fault Kongpope!"

"Ai'Prae promised me that you will never stop P'Arthit and Apple's marriage or I'll be your enemy!"

"Fine you win Kongpope, I'll just watch you shatter day by day until you jaded again"

"Thank you"

As Ai'Prae and I parted ways...

The next morning Apple is back as clingy fiancee of P'Arthit.. again I discussed the rules and we started the shoot

no matter how I tried to change the angle or scenery still there is something lacking between them

"Khun Arthit, Khun Apple Are you really planning to get married or what? you two are lacking expression like you dont have chemistry?!...  My view finder can see clearly how "stiff" you two... tell me what is your most memorable experience?"

Then their expression change, my muse finally relaxed

Finally you managed to smile P'Arthit as they didnt notice that I gave a sign to my team to proceed ~ reverse psychology is what they needed now

After an 3 hours we finished the pre-nup
a part of my job is halfway done,  wedding is the last one

I can smile for you...  for the last time P'Arthit



"Where is Kongpope?" I asked his team because his constantly avoiding me and I am not used to it... but they dont know where he went to

I want to explain to him that I didnt mean to hurt his feelings, to tell you honestly I am totally confused about my feelings! I keep on believing that I love Apple

Yes I loved her but I am not sure anymore, I do not longed for her, I do not longed for her sweet smile, her soft caress, her angelic voice

Why it seems the more I deny, the more I realized what my heart says and it doesnt beat it for her anymore...

but to someone else

Where are you now Kongpope? If I tell you that I am starting to fall in love with you, will you snatch me away from Apple and make me happy?

Time flies so fast and now I am standing near the altar waiting for Apple to enter inside the church to exchange our wedding vows

While you were busy snapping our most memorable moment in your camera, masking your pain with that broad fake smile of yours

If I met you earlier I wont regret like this

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