Chapter 9

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A/N: Happy Birthday Singto and I remember today is also my birthday! Happy Birthday to us 🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉 This is the longest chapter I wrote 5555 I guess? Sorry it took me a long time to update too busy with my studies and I want to thank that person who messaged me, I hope that person read my new update 👍👍


The next day I greet P'Arthit and start our day with endless of discussing for this and that about a board malfunction and make a report about it so we can turn it over first to QC before sending it to finance department for final checking of all the expenses and arrangement checked by both department so there is no room for discrepancy

"Kong, I already told Apple and she says that maybe we can start the pre-nuptials shots.. when are you free?" He asked me while beaming in happiness...

Cant it be me P'Arthit?


"Ah sorry P! do you have any specific place where you want to take your pre-nup?"

"Yes, Hon says she wants it in Krabi dont worry we booked you a round trip flight"

"Aww thanks by the way P.. Can you start being my muse as well? I told por that I need you to work for me as my muse for the next three days... and he agreed to give you to me, so your mine P" I declared and I didnt expect he'll blush like this ~ my pink milk monster is so cute I cant wait to have him in my arms

"Yours? What are you talking about?"

"P you didnt read the contract that is why you dont know what am I talking about, well your my muse and as my muse your photograph will be shown all over the world.. dont worry I am not interested to share you to the world ~ since your fiancee will be jealous if all of a sudden you had too many admirers (inner 💭: that is not good for me also)"

"Huh? Okay I dont really understand ... dont worry Kongpope I will not turn back to what we agreed its just care to explain to me what is a muse and what will I do for you"

Finally P'Arthit curiosity awakens, my muse is following according to my plans~ I have to thank por for hiring P'Arthit in our company

"Okay let me make it simple to you P, every photographer has one or two muse that they will choose in their whole career it took me so many years to find you... All I want you to do is just be yourself and our theme is silhouette baroque no need to show your whole face P and by tomorrow some dressmaker will come to get your size" He smiled after a few minutes he looks confuse hesitant and wanted to rebut

"P, is there something wrong?"

"Did I heard it right? a dressmaker? Is she coming here? No way! I dont want people to misunderstand anything about me!" It took me time to realize that P is shy, he doesnt want to attract attention and be treated special

I understand him by that, that's why I dont want to be known as a successor, I just want to act like a normal employee so no one will backstab me nor smiling while fuming inside because of my existence

And P'Arthit is an exception... My Pink milk monster doesnt care about money, fame or position all he care about is the people he love and giving what is the best for them

and that is what I love to him


The following day Aim managed to find me a good dressmaker that will understand my point of view in my muse... I personally told him how sophisticated and handsome P'Arthit would be while wearing the tailor suit

I thought it was a guy, since I talked to him over phone but I guess I was wrong~ the tailor is a feature of an elegant and sophisticated lady who seemed successful in her career

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