Chapter 31 Regret

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Kongpope didn't listen to anyone when he was advised to file a leave of absence, instead he went to work with a few condition to his staffs

Forbidden words that they cannot utter until he says they can or else they will get fired immediately

The following Forbidden words ;

1. Camera
2. Muse
3. Love
4. Proposal
5. Care
6. Nomyen

Even to me his best friend, one of his trustees is not spare for his threat to be fired

as if, he will really fire me 🙄 his been threatening me that ever since he hired me so, I know we are best friends but that is not the reason why he cannot fire me.. it's just because he loves Meilin and she soothes him
The best medicine to cure his frequent attacks which intrigued me so much!

I promise one day if Kongpope ask for Meilin's hand I will never ever accept him as son in law because it's too gross just to think of it

Sorry Bro 🤭


Why did I listen to Jane's words?! Yes the girl whom Kongpope thought that I kissed was Jane a childhood friend and nothing else.
Ever since we are young, she used to cling to me like a leech but she is very kind , beautiful and smart

When I told her how eager I want to Kongpope to label things between us, Jane told me to make him jealous, to make him act like a man

The moment he confessed to me I want to stop acting distant but Jane refused to let go of me she said that was not enough that Kong can do more to prove to the world that he loves me

I regret listening to her that day, if I did follow my heart and reply to his question, I should be happy with him listening to his cheesy pick up lines, the way he cling his arms to my waist sending me his seductive alluring and gentle smile that I always look forward but I cannot see it anymore

He never smile not unless his with Meilin

I want to help him to cure his panic attack but the minute I came near to him I can see his having difficulty in breathing and his yelling for me to go away or send someone else to talk to me to receive our department's message.

I can't stop my tears from falling, I want to help him but how? I did trigger it! How can I prove my love to him that will not threaten his health and physical body

I decided to ignore Jane who keep on pestering my phone, I had enough of her plans

For now I just want to watch Kongpope from a far

Wait for me this time, I will own you Kongpope Suthiluck


After Meilin's final assessment I asked Aim and May to go on a trip with me to Tokyo Disneyland.

I already promised my wife to treat her to Disneyland but never specified where so she happily jump in joy when she found out we are going to Japan

She looks forward seeing snow than to see the place, what I didn't expect is My Little Wife invited my former muse .. wtf

I orchestrated this trip to get rid of his face that keep on bothering me whether on workplace my alone time or even in my sleep and it totally pissed me so much! I need a breather I thought I can escape but it seems I cannot escape totally

Since when they become so close? Why he knows what Meilin likes
Why Meilin choose to play with him than me?

Wow Kongpope your jealous again?! Can you stop admiring him!? his not yours to own! You already did what you can do but it's worthless
So you better stop!

"Kong are you okay?" May asked me as she offer me a handkerchief I wonder why, I didn't notice I am perspiring inside a cold DMK wow

"Thank you May, I am fine"

"Kong you are pale, do you want to postpone the trip?" Aim worriedly ask while holding his wife's hand

"No Aim, no need to! I just need a coffee do you want anything? Meilin do you want ice cream?" I turn my attention to her but she didn't seem to hear me because of she is busy with him

Fine let it be

I excuse myself to find a nearest vending machine or a coffee shop, I need caffeine now
I am totally drained
I am totally mad at him! But my heart wanted to know why he did that .. why he ignored me that day? Why? I thought he loves me yet maybe his just playing at me
And I am a fool to believe that he will love me

Because no matter how I brainstorm I can't still find the right reason why he ditched me that way
His too cruel and just now he snatched my wife's attention from me .. what else do I need to sacrifice just to get rid of this love?
Right I need a closure

"Kong where are you going?"

When I turned at my back to look for someone who called my name, I didn't expect they will send him to follow me

"Do I know you?" I sarcastically asked

"Kong don't be like this" he begged as he tried to reach my hand yet I dodge it and shove it away

"Khun, don't touch me.. you already lost your right the moment you turned your back to me
Listen to me Khun from now on mind your business and I will mind what's mine"

I didn't bother to hear his reply because it's a worthless reply, I am tired of false hope
I had enough so I left him alone .. I am done with this fucking closure thing my mind planned off yet why my heart still aches for him? How can I erase my love for him?


When he called me Khun, I feel my world stop on it's own, Right it's my fault .. Kongpope had all the right to get mad at me..

I will let him do his own business if that is what he wants but to leave him alone is impossible

Everything is all set Kongpope , I have Meilin on my side it's a matter of how and when will I get you back , now all I need to know is if you are fine, you find what are looking for and enjoy the distance that I created.

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